Chapter 37

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Hoesek stopped their car next to the Yoongi's car. Strangely to the Others except Suga and Kevin(He doesn't have any idea about their routines) Jin's car also there as per Suga's request. It's true they sometimes came early but they will definitely inform them earlier. Namjoon and Hoesek get off the car followed by Jungkook. "Jin Hyung is here?" Namjoon asked looking at Hoesek with a questioning look. Hoesek shrugged looking at Jin's car, Yoongi came towards them saying, "I informed him to come" 

"Jin Hyung is home!" Jungkook chirped and ran towards the house. Jungkook is always excited for Jin. It's like their unique bond. Kevin who sat their with trembling heart, slowly came out. He cursed himself for missed the chance when Jungkook called him to come out. He was so nervous and thinking all the possible scenarios that can be happened. Now he is so scared but surely he can't live inside the car. He is going to fight until the last second. He is a fighter! He gather himself once again. 

"It's good, you decided come out by your own" Yoongi sarcastically said. "So what? It's not like you are going walk for me" Kevin mocked. Yoongi was not in a good mood from earlier and this is like fueling the fire. He gritted his teeth, "Namjoon and Hoesek I want you both in the meeting room in 5" Yoongi commanded, voice stern and cold. "Yes sir" They both said. Both brothers understood he is furious. Not a second he waited; he left from their without even glancing at Kevin. Kevin gulped in fear listened to his cold voice. Namjoon glanced at Kevin, "Don't dare to disrespect him kid" Namjoon sternly said but Kevin rolled his eyes still doing the same. Namjoon shook his head saying, "Just go inside Kevin" He is surely frustrated and annoyed at the boy.

"You are troubling everyone bitch, you made him tired" The voice is back again. Kevin went inside with slow steps and the voices didn't stop. His inner demons is scolding himself  for being a trouble and worthless, unlucky one. 

"Are you fine?, Is anywhere hurting?" Jin asked seeing Kevin entered inside the house. Jungkook is the one to told Jin everything about what happened. The explanation is obviously Kevin biased. So Jin is more concerned than angry right now. Kevin snapped by his thoughts and look up. "Are you okay?" Jin again asked touching Kevin's bruised cheeks, Kevin got startled by the soft touch. At the moment he feels the unfamiliar warmth, "You don't deserve it brat, you deserve pain only pain" He backed off, "Don't touch me" he coldly stated and backed away. Jin got startled at the cold voice of the younger and stand up straight saying, "o-kay, 'm sorry." Namjoon and Hoesek entered with serious faces too. Jin saw both of them are coming, "Kevin, go and have lunch with Jungkook, And if anywhere is hurting tell me." Jin explained. Kevin nodded and leave from there. "Let's go Yoongi must be waiting" Jin told and leave to the meeting room followed by Namhope that situated in the first floor. 

In the meeting room

It's a very equipped meeting room with a long mahogani table with cushion seats. Jin sat on the head of the table unlike in the dining room. They doesn't usually gathered in this area if the matter is not serious. This time the matter is affecting them seriously, not only for their family, but also their businesses. No one is kidding in here, if they are in the work they are serious and full focus in it. All the brothers have this good quality that make them successful in both family life and occupation. 

"What's the matter Yoongi?" Jin asked from yoongi who sat right hand side of him. 

"It's basically about Kevin and Seoul International" Yoongi said glancing Namjoon and Hoesek at lance, because they are Co-founders of the school. 

"Can you explain more clearly please?" Namjoon is the one to ask.

"This is serious and I hope you guys take it well. Because it's so sad to even say them" Yoongi said before saying the depressing truth to their brothers. He is worried about Jimin mostly because he is the one who can't even stand a little tear of his loved ones. 

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