Chapter 18

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In the school

Eunwoo is in the classroom talking to other classmates. JK come running to the classroom. "EUNWOO EUNWOO" JK shouted and drag Eunwoo by his hand.

"What happen JK?" Eunwoo asked.

"You know what Jack is in HOSPITAL" JK said.

"What the hell, don't tell it's because of the Kevin and Jack's fight" Eunwoo raised his eyes.

"Yes It's because of the fight, RM hyung said like that" JK said.

"What is going to happen now, OH my god, Kevin is in so much trouble" Eunwoo said. 

"I know, Hyung is so angry yesterday" JK said. Kevin entered to the classroom in that moment. He slowly make his way to the seat. He is looking pale than any other day, that went  not unnoticed by two boys.

"Are you ok Kevin?, what happen to you?" JK said and try to hug Kevin.

"Don't touch me" Kevin snapped rudely at JK. His voice is not so loud as he is so much weak. JK is really hurt by his behaviour. "I'm so-rry" JK mumbled.

 "Don't do that Kevin, you are behaving like a brat" Eunwoo said. Kevin just rolled his eyes and sit, place his head on table. Eunwoo and JK glanced at each other. Eunwoo can see the hurt in JK's eyes. 

"You know what Kevin, Jack is in the hospital" JK said again. Kevin lift his head up smirked," That monster deserve that" mumbled. It went not unheard by both. They widened their eyes.

"How can you think like that Kevin, Don't you have a heart, he must be in so much pain. you are so bad don't think like that" JK ranted. Kevin get up from his seat aggressively, which hurting his wound. JK being a scared kid he back away. Kevin in his this state didn't notice the fear in JK's eyes. 

"You know what, I don't have heart, You better shut your mouth and be in your limits. don't interfere. I can take care of myself. Jack is being a totally dick to you before, why are you even talking on his behalf? " Kevin said coldly. JK gulped down but,

"But you can't hurt him like that, you are same like him then" JK said.

"I'm same like him, NO I'm worst than him" Kevin laughed.

"Are you crazy Kevin,  You are being a totally shit to us. JK didn't said anything wrong. Don't you dare to say such things to him, I think we should unfriend you" Eunwoo said.

"Go ahead and do it, look like I fucking care" Kevin said and start going outside. 

"Eunwoo, don't tell like that, Kevin, you are my friend always, don't be angry please" JK said. Kevin look at him for a moment and nodded his head. Kevin's angry subsidized a bit because of JK's patience. "Where are going?" JK asked again. JK can't even understand why he is behaving with so much patience with Kevin. 

"I'm going to bunk" Kevin said really normally. "Ah, why? Are you scared? I'll come with you" JK said. 

"No, I'm not scared. You have nothing to do with that shit, I'll take care of it" Kevin said coldly looking at JK.

"But all the fight because of me, I can't left you alone" JK said.

"No, it's my choice, I didn't fight because of you. I fight because I need, You have nothing to do with it" Kevin said. Kevin can understand JK is guilty.

"But, you help me I can't left you like that"

"Don't feel guilty, It's my choice, I didn't fight because of you ok and sorry for shouting on you. I'm not in my right sense." Kevin said and left from there. JK slightly nodded. Actually he fell happy after Kevin's apology.

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