Chapter 13

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With Others

Kevin, Soobin and Eunwoo come out from the office. As soon as they come out,

"Why did you do such a reckless thing? " Soobin asked. But Eunwoo look down, Kevin glance the Eunwoo, he is tired and effect of painkillers are subsidizing, due to pain his anger is rising too. But he spoke again, "I'm the..." 

"YOU SHUT UP, I KNOW THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN, YOU ARE A BRAT ALREADY" Soobin shouted on Kevin. Soobin is worried and angry, he don't understand what he is doing. but he also want Kevin away from them. but his brothers are in to him. he can't understand why they are with this kind of boy. Without him they are all good. Kevin is also not in right sense,

"Oh! really, I'm a brat  you want to see what I can" Kevin said coming toward Soobin. Soobin got furious he held Kevin by his hoodie and push him toward wall. Kevin grunt as his bruised back contact with hard wall, "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE WITH THEM, YOU LEAVE THEM , SPOILED BRAT" Soobin shouted on Kevin's face. Kevin hold Soobin's neck and spat angrily, " KEEP THEM IN YOUR POCKET THEN FUCKER, I DON'T FUCKING CARE"


"Stop both of you It was JK not him, he was scared that"s why we all do it, please stop" Eunwoo cried out. Soobin loosen the grip of Kevin's hoodie. Kevin angrily make his hoodie and go from there. Kevin is feeling very low. He don't know why he behaving all soft with Eunwoo and JK. but anyone doesn't like him.

Soobin stood there for sometime, he didn't get power to apologize to Kevin even. He is guilty that what he said earlier. He went towards crying Eunwoo,

"Stop crying Eunwoo, you guys are at wrong, I'm not going to tell this to hyung, but never repeat. I'm sorry about what I said to Kevin. I'll apologize from him." Soobin said. Eunwoo's eyes lit up

"Thank you Hyung, I'll not repeat, please don't tell this to hyung" Eunwoo said.

"I'm not, why Kevin accept the fault when JK did that" Soobin asked.

"Actually, JK want to bunk the med camp and the whole plan is from Kevin. I think he want to protect JK from Taehyung hyung as JK is very scared." Eunwoo said.

"Oh! thats what happened. Kevin must feel bad,  I said bad things, ahh.. I'll apologize to him" Soobin said. 

"It's ok hyung, he is going to forgive you. he is not a bad guy." Eunwoo said.

"Hmm I hope so" Then Soobin went to his class as he didn't get leave, only grade 9 get that. Eunwoo went to car park and call the driver to pick him up. After some time Driver came and he left from there.

Kevin pov

"What the hell, how dare he said such a fucking thing to me. I just help them. fuck all. everyone is same. only using me and throw me out. I'm being little good with them but still he said it to me. 

"Don't think like that Kevin. He must be angry because Eunwoo got into trouble, and you said you drag them, not a surprise, he got angry"

"I know that, but still.. ahh yeah that's correct I can't expect him to pamper me after getting in trouble with boys that never do such a thing in past"

After the little convo with himself he already  forgive Soobin and start to walk randomly without caring where he go. After some time he is in front of park, a peaceful park. Kevin come here whenever he feel low, whenever he want some energy. He come to the lake area and lay with his head resting on his bag. He blanky look at the water.

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