Chapter 52 : remnants of love

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Engfa's pov

My heart sank with every step she took as I watched her walk away. I'd just inflicted a deep wound on her, and I was painfully aware of the harm I'd caused. Throughout our conversation, I had remained calm, refusing to let my emotions show, as I so often did. But now, seeing Charlotte in this state, the weight of my actions weighed on me, and tears rolled down my cheeks beyond my control.

She came looking for answers I couldn't give her. And in her eyes, I had let her down. I had failed to give her the honesty and clarity she deserved, choosing instead to protect my own vulnerabilities behind a mask of indifference.

flashback (Chapter 42-46)

Lying on the couch, still recovering, I couldn't help but marvel at how lucky I was to have Charlotte in my life. She had been by my side, gently caring for me, while juggling her responsibilities at work. Now that she was away, I found comfort in playing with Kieyw, who seemed to sense my need for distraction.

With my phone pressed to my ear, engaged in a business call, I absentmindedly tossed a ball to Kieyw, reveling in the simple joy of his antics. Although on sick leave, I was determined not to let my work suffer, doing my best to multitask. Right in the middle of the conversation, the sound of the doorbell pierced the air, momentarily interrupting my focus.

Thinking it was Charlotte returning from brunch with friends, I rushed to the door, a smile already forming on my lips at the thought of seeing her. As I opened the door, however, my heart sank at the sight before me. It wasn't Charlotte standing there, but Mew, holding Phalo.

When Mew and I met eyes, a tension rose between us, uncertainty drawing itself on our furrowed brows. Unsure how to break the silence, Mew took a tentative step forward, "What are you doing here? And where's Charlotte?" he asked.

"Perhaps the more pertinent question is what you're doing here," I retorted.

As Kieyw approached me, Mew's gaze fell on the dog, his brows furrowing in a puzzled expression. With a sense of impatience in his voice, he turned back to me, his eyes searching for answers. "What are you doing here in Charlotte's apartment?" he asked, the urgency in his tone reflecting his growing frustration.

Crossing my arms defensively, I met Mew's gaze squarely. "I live here now," I stated firmly, my voice tinged with a hint of defiance.

Mew chuckled sarcastically, disbelief evident in his tone. "You've got to be kidding me," he retorted.

Mew's tone shifted, his voice now tinged with frustration and jealousy. "So, it's official between you and Charlotte now, huh?" he remarked, his irritation palpable.

I folded my arms, meeting his gaze evenly. "I don't owe you any explanations. It'd be better if you just dropped Phalo off and left," I retorted, my tone laced with sarcasm. "I wouldn't want you breaking things at Charlotte's place."

Mew chuckled in my face, setting Phalo down and letting him trot inside. "Actually, you do owe me," he countered, his tone bitter. "You just stole my fiancée. Are you proud of yourself?"

"I didn't steal anyone," I retorted firmly. "It's not my fault if you couldn't keep her or take care of her the way she deserved."

"Who do you think you are?" he spat, his tone laden with venom. "You don't know a damn thing. You're just a horny woman who sleeps with her employees." The derogatory words stung, hitting me like a wave of icy water.

My jaw clenched, a surge of indignation coursing through me as I took a step closer to Mew, refusing to yield. "Oh, please," I countered, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Coming from someone who couldn't even keep his own fiancée satisfied." My words were sharp, aimed at cutting through his arrogance.

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