Chapter 13 : unveiling shadows

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As we continued to explore the market, I tried to push aside the strange interaction with Engfa that had sent shivers down my spine.

I told myself to focus on enjoying every moment with her without overthinking or trying to find answers to my feelings. Engfa seemed a bit more relaxed as we wandered around, taking in the bustling atmosphere and vibrant colors of the market stalls.

Just as we make our way through the bustling market, I suddenly find myself pushed aside by the crowd. Caught off guard, I stumble forward, inadvertently colliding with Engfa, who's standing a few steps ahead of me.

Before I can regain my balance, I feel the pressure of the bodies and am pushed against her, our carrures brushing against each other in the middle of the crowd.

Instinctively, Engfa puts out her arms, her hands resting on my hips to steady me. In this moment of fleeting contact, our eyes meet and I feel a wave of warmth pass through me. It's as if the world around us slows down, enclosing us in our own intimate bubble amid the chaos of the market.

When the crowd disperses, we just stand there, catching our breath. Engfa releases my hips with a gentle gesture, but the brief contact remains etched in my memory.

At that moment, I realize how much I long for such closeness, even if it's only an accidental brush of our bodies in a crowded market.

As we stand there, recovering from the unexpected collision, Engfa breaks the silence with a soft chuckle. "Looks like we're quite popular today," she remarks, gesturing to the bustling market around us.

I can't help but smile at her understatement. "Seems like it," I reply, grateful for the lightheartedness she brings to the moment.

Engfa's gaze lingers on me for a moment longer before she nods toward a nearby stall. "Shall we continue exploring?" she suggests, her voice tinged with genuine interest.

I nod eagerly, feeling a sense of anticipation building between us. "Absolutely," I reply, falling into step beside her as we navigate the maze of vendors and shoppers.

As we stroll through the market, our conversation flows effortlessly, touching on everything from the array of goods on display to our shared excitement about exploring Seattle. Engfa's reserved demeanor begins to soften, replaced by a warmth that draws me in, and I find myself opening up to her in ways I hadn't expected.

Engfa's eyes light up with curiosity as we browse the eclectic array of handicrafts on display. "These handmade items are quite impressive," she remarks, a hint of admiration in her voice.

I can't help but notice the genuine interest in her eyes, and I find myself drawn to her enthusiasm. "They really are," I reply, matching her enthusiasm. "It's fascinating to see the craftsmanship that goes into each piece."

Engfa's gaze lingers on a delicate piece of jewelry, and I catch a glimpse of longing in her eyes. "Do you like it?" I ask, nodding towards the display.

She hesitates for a moment before meeting my gaze. "It's beautiful," she admits, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Encouraged by her response, I take a bold step forward, reaching out to gently touch her hand. "Would you like to try it on?" I offer, my heart racing with anticipation.

For a moment, Engfa seems taken aback by the offer, but then a small smile plays at the corners of her lips. "I'd like that," she replies softly, her fingers brushing against mine as she selects a piece to try on.

I couldn't help but feel the electricity between Engfa and me. The lively atmosphere seemed to amplify our connection, drawing us closer with every step.

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