Chapter 6 : unexpected encounters

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Our eyes locked in a tense silence, the weight of her presence palpable in the air. It was Engfa who broke the silence first, her tone cool and detached as she addressed me by my last name. "Ms. Austin," she said, her voice devoid of any warmth.

My heart raced as I struggled to find the right words in response to my enigmatic boss. "Um, hello, Ms. Waraha," I managed to stammer out, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

She looked at me with a measured gaze, her expression inscrutable. "I didn't expect to see you here," she remarked, her tone neutral.

I shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond. "I, um, I'm here with friends," I explained awkwardly, gesturing vaguely towards the door.

She nodded, her gaze never leaving my face. "I see," she replied, her voice betraying nothing.

The atmosphere between us was charged with unspoken tension, both of us seemingly lost in our own thoughts. I tried to remain calm, aware of Engfa's presence at my side.

Engfa's demeanor, though always intimidating, seemed slightly softened by this unexpected encounter. I couldn't help but feel a certain confusion as we engaged in polite but reserved conversation, her authoritative presence casting a shadow over the relaxed setting.

Just as I began to relax slightly in Engfa's company, another woman approached us, drawing Engfa's attention away. "Nudee, what are you doing here?" Engfa asked, genuine surprise coloring her voice.

Nudee's playful smile and directness caught me off guard as she turned her focus to me. "So, you're THE Charlotte Austin," she remarked, her tone both teasing and probing.

As Nudee's words hung in the air, Engfa's expression changed, a flicker of discomfort crossing her features. She glanced at Nudee, her eyes narrowing slightly, clearly unhappy with the attention their conversation was attracting.

I couldn't help noticing the tension between the two women, sensing that their exchange was more complex than it appeared. Unsure of how to interpret the situation.

I exchanged a puzzled look with Engfa and before I could gather my thoughts, Nudee took both Engfa and me by the arm, leading us towards the pulsating beat of the dance floor. Engfa seemed hesitant, but Nudee's insistence left us with little choice, and soon we were swept into the lively crowd.

Joining Heidi and Tina, the surrealness of the situation only intensified. Their shocked expressions mirrored my own as we found ourselves in the midst of an unexpected reunion with Engfa outside of the office.

As we stood there, stunned by the unexpected encounter, Tina broke the silence with an incredulous whisper. "Is that... Engfa?" she murmured, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Heidi nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can't believe she's here," she said, her tone filled with astonishment.

Tina and Heidi exchanged incredulous glances before mustering the courage to approach Engfa. "Um, hi Ms. Waraha" Tina greeted tentatively, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Heidi echoed Tina's greeting, her eyes wide with shock. "It's... nice to see you here Ms. Waraha," she managed to say, her voice trembling slightly.

Engfa acknowledged their greetings with a polite nod, her expression remaining composed and unreadable. Nudee, on the other hand, greeted Tina with an exuberant hug, catching her off guard. "Tina, oh my gosh, it's been ages!" Nudee exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement.

Tina returned the hug, her surprise quickly giving way to delight. "Nudee, I can't believe it's you!" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face.

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