Chapter 5 : a haven in storm

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Dragging myself home after a tough day felt like trudging through a storm. Every step heavier than the last, burdened by Engfa's harsh words echoing in my head. As I pushed open the door to our apartment, the familiar smell of home enveloped me, offering a brief respite from the chaos inside. Mew was already there, a worried furrow marking his brow as he observed my messy appearance.

"Hey, Char," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. "Rough day at the office? How was the meeting?"

I nodded, unable to muster the strength to form coherent words. Collapsing onto the couch, I buried my face in my hands, the weight of the day's events finally crashing down upon me.

Mew came to sit beside me, his comforting presence bringing me comfort in the midst of my torment. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly, his hand reaching forward to brush a lock of hair away from my face.

Taking a deep breath, I told the story of the day's events, Engfa's criticism still fresh in my mind. As I spoke, Mew listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and understanding.

"It's not fair," I murmured, frustration lacing my words. "Putting so much responsibility on me knowing that I've only had a few hours to do the reports. She really annoys me and God knows how much it takes for someone to upset me." "I just wish she'd show a little more warmth, you know? It's hard to work for someone who seems so... distant."

Mew nodded in understanding. "I get it, Char. But remember, you're not there to be her friend. You're there to do your job, and you're doing great at it." His words were a comfort, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered after my encounter with Engfa. "I know, it's just... tough sometimes."

He reached out, gently squeezing my hand. "You're tougher," he said reassuringly. "And besides, you have us to come home to. That's all that matters." "Don't let Engfa's negativity get to you. You've got this."

His unwavering support was like a lifeline in the stormy sea of corporate politics. With a grateful smile, I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks, Mew. I needed that."

For the first time since leaving the office, a glimmer of hope lit up inside me, carried by the certainty that I didn't have to face my difficulties alone.

As I tried to shake off the weight of the day's events, I reminded myself that despite Engfa's demeanor, working in such a prestigious company was a blessing. Her harsh words couldn't diminish the opportunity that lay before me.


Charlotte tossed a ball for Phalo, watching with a smile as the energetic bunny chased after it. "So, babe... Tonight, I'm going out with Marima, Tina, and Heidi. We might end up staying out pretty late."

Mew nodded, understanding. "That sounds like fun. I've got plans with Alex et some of his friends too, so it works out. You deserve a night out after dealing with all that stress from Engfa today."

I sighed, grateful for Mew's understanding. "Yeah, I definitely need to unwind. I love you." I peppered his face with kisses, giggling like a child.

Mew returned the favor with equal enthusiasm, mirroring my show of affection. After this playful exchange, we both got ready for our respective outings. Showering together, that's our routine.


Just as Mew was about to leave, Marima arrived, her infectious energy filling the room. I watched fondly as she greeted Phalo and Joy, her affection for animals evident in every pat and scratch.

Marima and I had been inseparable since my first days here in New York, her unwavering support seeing me through the toughest of times. "Hey, girl," she greeted with a warm hug. "Ready for a girls' night out?" she said. "Of course always ready for that" I said in return, smiling.

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