Chapter 13: Protect her

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"Thank you. Please visit soon."

Y/N bowed at the customer who exited the convenience store. It had been a week since she had started working at the convenience store which was about two miles away from her house.

Lately their financial condition hadn't been good resulting her to work but without her family's acknowledgement. Even Joshua had no idea about her working. She would tell that she would study in the library till late.

The bell attached to the glass door of the store dinged indicating an arrival of a new person. It was Kim Minju, who would replace Y/N for the night shift. Glancing at the clock she realised it had been past 8 o'clock.

"I'm sorry for being late. There was traffic."

Minju apologized bowing.

"No, it's fine. I'll get going."

Y/N packed her stuff and slinged the bag on her right shoulder. Before she exited the store, she bought herself a bottle of juice ready to drink it on her way back home.

Meanwhile a bit far from the store, a curious tall figure had been standing for about ten minutes. He observed Y/N standing at the counter of the store as she greeted the customer.

"Huh? She works here?"

Taehyung had been taking a walk after escaping his house which included his parents constant nagging. His parents would nitpick him about everything and Taehyung had been exhausted by their constant same words. Hence, he had escaped from his room and started walking to where his feet took him.

Taehyung's stomach grumbled as he decided to buy ramen from the nearest convenience store. His feet halted when Y/N who was at the counter of the store came into his sight. He hid behind the wall near the store and slowly peaked out to glance at her.

He saw her exiting the store as his eyes trailed towards where she went. But soon they widened when he saw her getting dragged into an alley she was about to pass by. The juice from her hand fell down as her mouth got covered and hands were held by someone.

Y/N could not decipher anything that happened. Soon she realised that a muscular tattooed arm had held her mouth captivated. She started struggling out of his firm grip by kicking her legs. As soon as his grip loosened, she ran away far from him only to meet a dead end. Now that Y/N had deciphered the whole scenario, she realised that there were three men each of them having the same tattoo which she recognised to be of the infamous gang in Seoul.

The man who had held her earlier laughed creepily as his harsh laugh pierced her ears. Y/N felt helpless. She had nothing with her. Her bag had fallen down due to her struggling from the grip. Her hands travelled against her clothed legs trying to find any weapon possibly in the pockets of her pants.

Slowly, the three men approached her as the man in the middle who was supposedly the leader pulled out a knife from his pocket. Tracing the blade, he glared at the young girl infront of him.

"How dare you touch my brother? The consequences won't be good now."

He said as his voice lowered trying to threaten her with the knife. The man was supposedly talking about the boy she had slapped when he bullied Jungkook.Fear took over her body as her legs felt weak. But no, she could not just give up easily. She had to find a way out of here.

Right then, the two men from the sides crashed onto the ground. Y/N observed that Taehyung had hit them with the bricks as the men groaned holding their heads. The leader was alarmed by someone's arrival as he strode towards him with the sharp weapon. Luckily, Taehyung dodged it, as he landed a harsh kick onto the leader's stomach. The man crouched trying to recover from the intense pain.

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