Chapter Twenty Two

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Grab some grub and sit back, this is  a long one folks! Enjoy! Tried my best with the fluff and not to just straight up grab dialogue from the RB episode/s. Hopefully it worked out well, I think it was good, but that's just me XD. I didn't mean for this to be 11,177 words 0_0 but it just came to be. and welp...A filler managed to turn into its own little story haha. Also, I'm not quite sure if I'm going to follow my weekly switch for writing. I may just have the W&M Origins: Aries story be a "if I have time" kinda story (as it was supposed to be lol) while Stars and Machines as well as Woman and Machine will be my main works as of right now.  

Also, *kinda spoiler so just be aware* I'm not too great with the whole, confrontation about feelings type deal, so hang in with me here XD

Another note, I was listening to Precipice non stop when I was writing this week. It just fit the vibe and I found that it kinda helped me write some scenes. As that's just how I thought it fit with the mood. 

.・゜-: ✧☾⚝☽✧ :-゜・.

Koda leaned against the railing, observing Ratchet work. She watched his servos move swiftly as he patched up a small wound on Bulkhead's forearm. Arcee and the wrecker had been sparring earlier when things got a bit rough, ending with the femme tearing into Bulkheads's arm. Though it was a simple fix.

It was now the middle of July, and it had become too toasty for Koda to deal with the Nevada heat. Leaving her to dress in what everyone else did. Shorts and tank tops.

Though she'd been quite self conscious about her arm when she first went out, after Miko persuaded her to help her buy some new hair dye.

That too led to Miko somehow managing to place some dark blue streaks in the woman's hair. Which she didn't end up minding.

"You're good to go," Ratchet announced, stepping aside to let Bulkhead up.

He jumped to his pedes, "Thanks doc!"

Ratchet groaned at the nickname, but didn't bother to correct the olive wrecker, "Just don't let Arcee hurt you again alright? I don't need you taking up my time."

"She won't get another hit on me again."

Koda watched Bulkhead jog back down the hallway, probably back to the training room. She couldn't help but smile as the young mech let out happy whoops. Miko glanced up from her spot on the couch, smiling before turning back to watch Jack and Raf take each other on in a round of Mario Kart.

"And what are you up to today?" Ratchet asked as he cleaned off the small amount of Energon on his frame welder. After a quick inspection he placed it back on the tool rack and glanced up at Koda.

She kicked her foot back and forth, kicking up a small cloud of dust, "Waiting."

"For who?"

Koda shook her head as she glanced down at her hands.

"I don't know! You could be waiting for Steve for all I know!"


"Besides the point," Ratchet waved it off, "It's a routine patrol," He paused for a moment and hummed, glancing back up at Koda curiously, "Plans for the night?"

"No!" She exclaimed swiftly, "W-why would we have plans? He'll be busy with finishing reports for Agent Fowler," Koda shook her head, nearly giving herself whiplash.

Ratchet sighed, knowing he was going to get both ends of this soon enough. He'd actually been surprised that Koda had been able to keep it pushed aside this long.

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें