Chapter Eight

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The song for this was the first one that popped up when I pressed shuffle...Kinda suits K, but not in the relationship kinda way. She was left alone to deal with enemies that haunted her. Idk, I just see songs differently somedays. 
Apologies for the lack of updateos, but I'be been a busy gal. There have also been some family matters which have come up, so I had to attend to those first. Regardless I did have most of this chapter written a day after the seventh one but things...SO HERE YA GO. I hope you enjoy it lol

And during the duration of this chapter, Sebastain was having an absolutely amazing cat nap on Koda's bed haha. 
P.S. third book writers block do be hitting hard but I think I got an idea as to how I can fix that. So watch out for that update soon! *realizes I haven't updated since Feb 3...*


Miko yanked Koda's arm closer and pulled her sleeve up more, "Awesome!!"

The woman froze, watching the younger female trace her fingers along the seams of metal. Slowly she pulled her hand back, taking a few steps back from the girl. She swiftly moved her sleeve back down.

"It's just a prosthetic," Koda explained swiftly.

"Miko," Ratchet warned, stepping forward.

"Perhaps it would be best if you all took your afternoon patrol now," Optimus announced, he gazed down at Miko, "If you would like to bring your charges as well. It may be best to leave our new comrade with some quiet for now."

"Sorry," Miko whispered as she passed by the newest human. She noticed Koda pull her arm closer to her side as she passed.

As the three guardians transformed, Koda lowered herself to the ground, crouching as she heard the three vehicles drive away. A deep breath left her as she closed her eyes for a moment.

A warm hand fell on her shoulder, causing Koda to jump at the touch, preparing for something to meet her neck.

"Are you alright?"

"I will be fine Sir," Koda replied, pushing herself up to stand straight.

Suddenly a green light came over the woman. She stiffened, expecting it to hurt, when really it felt like a light tickle. A light humm came from the mech in front of her. Glancing up, Koda realised that Optimus and Ratchet were both observing her carefully.

The Prime had knelt down onto his kneeplate, his servo moved back to his side as he had attempted to help the woman. He didn't expect her to jump at his touch.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you."

Ratchet shook his helm and glanced down at the newcomer with a sympathetic gaze, something that he did not offer often, "There is no need to apologize," He glanced back down at his scan and shook his helm, "I will however, scold you about not taking care of yourself, that wound has been infected for far too long. I will need to take a look at it."

Optimus raised an optical ridge, "Why did you not seek medical help?"

"I tried, truly I did," Koda sighed looking down at her metal appendage, she flexed it into a fist before allowing it to relax, "The Marshal, after my...fellow pilots, passed he changed..."

"Go on," Ratchet urged softly.

"It wasn't bad before, the injections. But when they passed away, Stacker did something to it, upped the dosage or amount in it. It felt like fire flew through my veins, I would forget things. But some things stayed, small flashes. Your truck," Koda glanced at the red and blue mech, "That's what I remember the most out of the ordeal. For some reason that stuck, even after each injection...Wait. What is the date?"

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now