Chapter Seven

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Since when did the Greatest Showman have such good songs 😭
Like, the meaning behind them is so meaningful now that you actually pay attention to the lyrics.
Felt like "From Now On" fit Koda pretty well. She's making her own decisions, shes her own person. 
But go ahead and enjoy the chapter. *cries behind computer as song plays* and yes, you know i was listening to the soundtrack of that amazing movie while writing this...


She didn't know what to expect. Her feet were carrying her through a blue and green vortex. Something that she didn't think would ever happen.

Ahead of her Optimus disappeared, shocking Koda. She quickly followed after him. Only to stumble through and nearly crash into the mech.

"S-sorry," she mumbled, Gipsy's frame towering over the mech. Quiet laughs reached her ears and she looked ahead to see a bright camera flash.

"Miko! That is no way to welcome a new friend," A deep voice exclaimed to her left.

Koda's breathing began to quicken as she looked around. Stone walls, those were familiar...Brighter lighting was nice. Above and around the platforms in front of her were catwalks which led anywhere it seemed. Near the end of the room was a cement pillar which led to the roof, the two doors down below suggested it was an elevator.

Looking to her right, Koda observed the paved asphalt, wondering where it led. Above the entrance was sandy, almost rust coloured rock. After further investigation she realised that they were inside some sort of rock formation.

Looking to her right, she observed the more organized area, a large cylinder like scanner was in the corner of that area. Followed by two metal looking beds. There were multiple green monitors in that area while three connected ones were in the main area. There was also no railing in that area of the base. Moving forward Koda found that there was another area, this one a hallway. Down it, there were a fair amount of corridors, each seemed to have their own doors, and at the end there seemed to be an elevator.

"Last one on the right," Optimus offered to the machine.

He heard a quiet, "Thanks."

Then the Jaeger began moving down the hallway. He watched as it disappeared through its door and there was a loud clunk that echoed through the halls.

"I forgot to pick up the old Energon containers," Bulkhead rubbed the back of his helm in embarrassment.

Miko sighed, running down to the first platform, "What now?!"

"We let her adjust, and let her come out on her own," Optimus explained, turning back to the team. He watched the second youngest human groan and stomp back up the stairs, her head was down as she pouted. Though his gaze caught his friend's gaze, the older medic looked like he was about to blow up with curiosity, "What is it, Old Friend?"

"I wish to know how that thing works! The mechanics behind it, everything!" Ratchet exclaimed, optics bright with excitement.

Optimus smiled softly, resting a servo on the medics shoulder, "I understand your excitement, but it may be better to wait till our new comrade is properly adjusted to this environment."

"Of course, I wouldn't be that nosy," Ratchet scoffed, turning back to his work station.

Optimus however raised an optical ridge at that statement. He recalled a few times where Ratchet had done some things he shouldn't have.

Though as the Prime moved to walk back to the main monitor to work on some reports, he couldn't help but feel a tug within his Sparkchamber. Attempting to ignore it he remained at the main monitor for a few minutes. He shouldn't go against the orders he'd just given his comrades. But...

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now