Chapter Nine

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This was finished in the truck. Expect some things to slow down or speed up, depending on what happens with my motivation. Last night my Great Grampie (great grandpa) passed away. He went peacefully. And writing is my way to get out my emotions. Hence the writing in the truck. While I don't remember him much, as I never saw him much, he was still a pretty amazing guy. The memories I do remember of him I will hold dear to me. Near the end of the week I may go silent since we will be attending his funeral. While we did know he was going to pass soon, due to how bad his dementia had gotten, I didn't expect it to be so soon. I was only told to prepare for the worst two days ago. This has been a shock to me, and it hasn't quite hit me fully. 

If my next couple of chapters are happy and giddy, then I am merely trying to cope, or they could be sad. I'm not sure. I'll just let my hands and mind take the lead and whatever comes up, I hope you will enjoy. Though be aware, there is FLUFF. EXTREME FLUFF WARNING AT THE END! 


"So this button right?" Koda giggled, pointing to the self-destruct switch within the Mark I's helm.

Thea shook her head and gently lowered her daughter's hand, "No sweetie, that button makes it explode."

The 4 year olds facial features widened, "That can't happen! You an Daddy need to save the world from those...those...big meanies!"

The woman's lips perked up, "They're called Kaiju."

"No," Koda shook her head, wrapping her arms around her mothers neck as the woman stepped back from the control panel, "They're meanies!"

"The kids right."

The young girl turned to the door of the hull and smiled, "Daddy!"

"Hey sweet pea," Leland greeted gently, patting his daughter's head, "What's Mum showing you?"

"How Watcher Horizon works! It's superrr coooollll," Koda dragged out the last words, explaining to her father what had happened not even a minute ago. As her father came around in front of the two she giggled, "You and Mama are superheroes."

"Then what are you?" Leland asked, tapping his daughter's nose. Her face scrunched up as she moved to rub her now itchy nose.

"I don't know..."

Thea sighed, shifting Koda on her hip, "I know what you are."

"What's that Mama?"

"You're my Little Bear," Thea explained softly, nuzzling her daughter's nose with her own.

Koda giggled, "I like that. I'll be anything you want me to be!"

The woman sighed, she tapped her chin in thought humming quietly before glancing back at her daughter, admiring her emerald green eyes, "I wish for you to be the most amazing person in the world one day," Thea gently tapped the 4 year olds chest, "You have a kind heart, and a strong soul. You have the power to change the world one day Little Bear. And I will be so, so proud of you," Thea tucked a stray piece of hair behind Koda's ear, "Just remember that sometimes being the smallest person, doesn't mean you can't make a big impact on the world. Some think that it is a great power which holds evil in check. But when I look at you, that is not what I have found, my daughter. I have found that your small acts of kindness keeps the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Remember that the tiniest acts have the biggest impact."


Koda ran forward, tugging her fathers arm back, "Dad, stop!" She whimpered, her watery eyes meeting the fiery filled ones of her parents. She glanced at her mother who lay on the ground, holding her bleeding stomach, "Take me, spare Mama, please!"

*REWRITE* Woman and Machine I (Tfp & Pacific Rim)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя