The Uncalled For Revelation

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(thought, dreams , flashback will be in Bold italics)

Pete always used to roam around in far areas beyond Dominica's boundary lines with his friends. They were about to hit puberty , fearless teenagers. Pete was around eleven years old. He would go around in deep forests , quenching his curiosities regarding nature, learning and observing the laws of the jungle. It was one fine evening when he along with his friends took permission from their homes to camp in the central forest area of course in the presence of the guards. That was when Pete met him for the first time. It was a pink evening of june, the moon was slightly visible on the sky which was later going to appear full whereas the sun was slowly heading it's home in a pink hue. The flowers were diving in the sleep and the only one crawling in the night was an east flowing river which appeared like a mirror to the sky. Pete's friends were busy and he didn't like the noise so he went towards the riverside to sit quietly. For his safety he covered his face so that if anyone from the enemy side came here, they should not be able to recognise him. He was a bit more clever for an eleven years old child. A small stone flew by his ears when he reached near the rock. He flinched and dodged at the same time. When he saw the direction of where the stone came from, that's when he saw him for the first time.

A boy , a little older and a few inches taller than him. He was covering his face the same as Pete but his eyes were sparkling and sharp. Pete stood there whereas the boy approached him.

"I beg for forgiveness, I was trying to get that fruit. I didn't intend to hit you" he was so well behaved at such a young age.

"It's okay. But who are you ?"

"I am sorry, I can't tell my identity but I am not here to harm you. I came for camping."

"Haah!!" Pete was shocked.


"No, my brothers are with me but they are playing there. I wanted to see the river so i came here little prince"

Pete pouted

"Little prince?"

"I don't know what else to call you. Do you want to sit there and throw pebbles in the river? It's really thrilling when water stops for a second."

"Yes", Pete said in excitement. They sat on the rock under the full moon and played their silly games.

"Do you come here always" the boy asked Pete

"No, this is my first time and you?"

"I do come here often. I don't have many friends so I sit here and play with trees , birds and water."

"Can I be your friend?"

"But i am definitely older than you little prince"

"So that's a no?"

The boy thought a lot

"Okay let's be friends but what will you call me?"

"You are older right? So I will have to respect you. Ummm, how about your majesty?"

"Your majesty?" The boy chuckled

"Yes, you look like a king"

"You are a funny little prince. Okay call me whenever you like. But tell me how we will meet to play?"

"We will meet here only but secretly. Shh. But only once a month . My father says I am still too young to come here every time Pete pouted and the boy smiled at that.

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