Vegas Astute Demon

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Please read previous chapters to avoid any confusions.

Also Javi n Haan's present conversation will all we in normal font . The kingdom story line and conversation will all be in italics.

"So this is your family. A father , two brothers.." Javi says
"Three brothers" Haan protests
"But Macau is adopted"
"Three brothers"
"Ok sensitive oldie. Three brothers. But where is your mother."

"She was the lucky one to leave before witnessing the cruel truth of her family "

Kim Haan wakes up , it's very early in the morning, the sun is still not completely out in the sky but red colour has started to scatter. He doesn't remember when this happened that he started waking up so early. But he loved that time of the day. It was only him, his thoughts, birds, trees and the open sky. He wears his clothes , takes his sword which is always an essential as he doesn't trust anyone around not even his own people. He runs to a place that's a bit hilly , that is to warms his body with heat and sweat so he could further put himself to train. He never skips his training. Something that he does by self, in his own ways and methods. He strips from upper body while his harem pants are still on. A heavy rope is tied on his arms which carries bundle of bricks on both the sides, and stones tied up on his ankles, his hairs are tied up in a bun to keep his vision free from any hindrance. And he squats , jumps , sit ups are lunges with these weights on him. He is sweating already and it's only adding up. The tree infront of him has a carved picture of a person that's incomplete and a scabbard, the one which his father holds for now. These are his sources of motivation to push himself everyday to better. Better than everyone, at fighting, at strategizing, at planning and everything that a ruler of Alcazar should have. By the time he finishes, sun has appeared and his very first human voice of the day lands on his ears.

"Don't live in any delusions. I am not here for you." Zara says while plucking some fruits from the tree.

"I didn't say a word. You may continue to do what you are here for. I will take my leave"

Zara keeps standing infront of the tree, her back facing Kim Haan. She is almost confused as she hears his foot steps becoming distant. She turns around, and he was nowhere to be seen due to which she becomes a little sad , she stands there , with a pale face , thinking something and scratching the trunk of the tall tree standing infront of her.

"Why are you so cruel to this old tree, why don't you scratch me either ."

She smiles as Haan whispers in her ears from behind. He then brings both his hands to the front and takes Zara's wrists one by one and putting pearl beads bangles on them.

"I can't take this."
" I brought a gift for my best friend and she is refusing. Am i that bad?"
"Kim, i don't want to exploit you in the name of friendship. I don't want our friendship to be measured in these material valuables. I am already grateful that despite being a housemaid you have given me a chance to be called your friend ."

Kim Haan who was standing behind Zara with his hands on both her shoulders pulls back. His face show disturbance and hurt. And this time he literally starts walking away.

"Kim, please wait"
"I don't want to talk to you. Not now , not ever"
"Kim" Zara hold his hands.
"I am sorry. Don't go" she pauses to look into Kim's eyes. "Don't go please"

And Kim always stops when Zara requests him.

"All these time that i have always been with you and held our friendship close you think i will narrow it down with material? And I was so wrong , because what i considered as friendship, you have been taking it as a favour. I am disappointed Zara. I am hurt. You have hurt me with your cruel words "

The Bandana Loversजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें