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The next day i found myself on a plane, flying out to Spain. I haven't been there since Jude joined the club. I had a couple of friends in his team but besides that i had no clue about the city itself.

First thing i did after landing and checking in at my hotel, was calling his closest friends asking if maybe Jude was with them yesterday or now. I wanted to find my brother as fast as possible.

I knew that all of this was my fault, and so i tried my best to keep my sanity. Of course it was hard for me to deal with it alone, but who was there to listen.

I reached for my phone and scrolled through my unread messages. I wanted to text Dominik badly, but i knew it wasn't right.

He was the problem in my life, my problem. I decided not to let my feelings win and put my phone away. Before doing that i checked one last time if maybe my brother called or replied to my messages.

Then i decided to go to his house. I was desperate to find anything that would give me hope. The worst in this was the thought of him being dead.

I successfully pushed it away but it was still stuck in the back of my mind. I changed into more summer like clothes and went out of my room.

I made my way downstairs by the elevator and soon i was outside waiting for my uber. It was quite hot this time around in Madrid, so i really wished for the car to come and pick me up fast.

When that happened and i got inside, giving the driver the address, in a few minutes i found myself standing at the doorsteps of Jude's house.

I was nervous to knock or ring the bell so before i did it, i took a couple of deep breaths. When i finally got myself to do it, i couldn't believe who opened the doors.

It was Jude himself, with a face expression i've never seen before. He was confused but not in a good or bad way. It was very concerning the way he was looking at me.

I felt tears gather in my eyes as i hugged him tightly. This was probably the first time that i've worried this much about someone.

For a couple of seconds he stood there amused by my behaviour but then didn't hesitate longer to hug me back. We stood outside for a couple of minutes in silence before i pulled away.

- What the fuck! Do you know how worried Jobe and I were back in England!- I raised my voice while speaking angrily.

- I'm fine, my phone broke and i can't get a new one until tomorrow morning.- He explained as trying to calm me down.

He seemed very relaxed which was a surprise to me. I looked into his eyes and just could tell something was off. Jude offered me to come inside and i of course agreed.

His house was huge considering that he lived alone. We sat down in the living room as Jude brought me a glass of water.

- How long are you staying?- He asked curiously.

- I don't know. I feel like there's so much i need to talk to you about, and we're never around each other anymore to do that.- I confessed as taking a sip of my drink.

We sat in silence after i spoke out. Jude knew it was the truth and we both knew it was neither of our faults. He sighed loudly and turned his head to look at me.

- Leave Liverpool. You could live with me, and we could try maybe getting you a job somewhere here. Maybe even at my club.- He spoke seriously.

I furrowed my brows in disbelief. I mean it sounded like a good plan but I was attached to Liverpool. I've always wanted to work there, but if moving meant Jude and I spending more time, i was ready to risk it all.

I agreed for the move and could see how Jude's face lightened up. Before i knew it, i was living in Madrid for 5 months.

There was a big game upcoming this summer, and by big i meant against Liverpool. We were flying to Singapore, where i was supposed to be with my old team.

I decided to take up studying sports journalism again and soon enough i found a job as one. It was exciting since i got to travel a lot with my brother, and at the same time i could be enjoy some time off in Spain.

I think everyone could tell i was stressed before the game. Of course it was an off season one, but seeing my club after a very messy breakup was nearly deadly.

Dominik hasn't called or texted since he found out i was leaving the club. Trent and I have been in contact. He was still a very good friend of mine which meant the world to me.

Real Madrid was now the club i had to focus on, especially that they've had Jude now. I was wearing the club's jersey with my brother's name on it when Trent approached me in the tunnel.

- I preferred you in red.- He laughed behind my back, making me jump.

- Asshole, i got scared! Thank you for the compliment i miss the colour badly.- I smirked and hugged him tightly.

- Don't stress, he's not mad at you.- Trent whispered as pulling away.

I nodded my head knowing exactly what he meant. That's when i saw him. The guy who's ruined my life one too many times.

Dominik Szoboszlai.





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