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The beautifully illuminating moon light is truly a scene that can capture anyone's eyes yet it doesn't captured mahi's who is looking at ceiling while his mind is in another world.

The world might had moved but seems like mahi's world didn't. The more he try to run away the more closer he come to his page of past   -   Virat. Been two weeks since they have started practicing or can say, started loving together. It is good that everything is normal but............but virat's nonchalante behaviour everytime be does something for can he be so neutral about all this. Mahi knows it is good that everything is normal but it is not too........not for mahi at least, he still couldn't write another page but seems he moved on.

Bringing water when they are eating, standing on the corner of stairs everytime when mahi walk upstairs, passing tissues and water bottle when practicing, all the behaviour of virat are like a general teammate. He does not talk but stil doesn't mean he does take care of mahi's daily necessities, it seems as if mahi is being sensitive to think why virat moved on while he is still stuck there, not moving anywhere.

Going spiral in his own mind, mahi closed his eyes in tiredness, never realising when he slept, unknown to the silhouette of a person near his bed as the night goes on peacefully.


"good morning"

"good morning ro"

"good morning mahi bhai"

"good morning, did you all slept well?"


Mahi look beside himself to find rohit frantically looking for something in cabinet as he asks "is something missing?"

"yeah- No- I mean yeah but no too, I have put the file in here and I need to give it to BCCI today as dada gave me that file in vacation when I told him I ma complete bored-" sighing looking at mahi, he whine out "-but now I can't find it"

Mahi nooded before coming forward as Rohit step back to let mahi go through the cabinet. Right in front of him, the person his heartbeat for is standing but he the distance..............they have no bound. He can't touch him, can't talk to him like it is a daily conversation unless it about on a topic, can't freely admire him, can't grab those hands, can't hug him anytime, can't protect him he wants too.

"is this blue one?" Mahi asked turning around to find rohit staring at him as he step forward towards rohit confused who look at him. Even the physical is distance is so close, he can't open his heart out, afraid that his everything would turn away and the his heart will stop beating without reason. Will he accept him with same smile if he (rohit) open his heart, if he let him see his own picture in his heart?............Will he?


"yes" Mahi watch rohit going without running back as he hear a yell "come fast, mahi bhai!!". Turning around mahi found virat leaning against the door as he wen outside without taking another glance of virat who walk behind him.................they haven't had a proper talk but they have to..........they have to.

"rohit bhai?"

"he will come later, he is going to BCCI"



"today's practice was truly a marathon"

"yup........definitely.......was" They all laugh as kuldeep's breath full sentence rather than words before everyone got up to get home while talking until jaddu spoke loudly "we should go outside" only to get a sarcastic response from jassi "and we will let ghost stay at home?" making all of them chuckle.

"I will stay at home" Turning around they found it is mahi who said that as everyone nodded, not wanting to force mahi before they hear rohit saying "I have too go to dada, so....."

"OK, so virat bhai, mahi bhai and Rohit bhai, anyone else?" Hearing only silence ishan nodded as they all get ready to go out while in between virat went for his session leaving mahi who went to read book while Rohit also went out.

"bye mahi bhai, we are going"

"bye, be careful"

"Okay!!" Hearing the door being closed mahi continued reading his book alone in the house.


"it seems we don't have anything to eat. Maybe I should cook something" Mahi muttered while looking inside the refrigerator as he took out some cabbages and tofu before cutting them.

While tossing the vegetables in the wok, cooking them nicely until he hear the bell ring as he fastly put the cloth aside only to get burned on his arm by wok making him hiss but he still run towards the door to open it.

Mahi watch virat going towards the refrigerator before he glanced at the low flame on which the vegetables are cooking in wok as he went to get ointment on his burn.

"now I will have to listen more from them" Mahi murmered as he walk towards the kitchen only to find virat cooking as he stand siltnyly at the entrance watching virat putting the cooked tofu with vegetables aside as he turn off the stove before turning around to find mahi standing at the entrance.

"it is cooked" Virat muttered lightly, already ready walk past mahi but stopped when he hear mahi saying "what are you doing?"

"nothing" Virat says only to look up when mahi yell "this is not nothing!!"

Wanting to reach out to mahi yet can't, virat stand stilled, letting mahi spoke out everything who couldn't hide his heart behind the fake facade anymore.

"This. Is. Not. Nothing! You are doing all the things it is normal but it is not normal-" Virat can clearly seee mahi's body vibrating yet he didn't said anything as Mahi look everywhere yet not anywhere as he continued opening his heart "-do you know what you have made me?-" Looking at virat with teary eyes mahi mutter out "-I met sakshi in london because I was about to jump from the made him take that decision. I.....I couldn't find out why this happened to me? Why is it you who did it not some stranger?................ Maybe then I wouldn't had to take such decision. I was much that I didn't wanted to stay in anyone's presence, so much that even slight sound started scaring me-" looking into virat's teary he mutter out "-so much that I didn't wanted to live anymore yet I did it, thinking....................thinking you will change, still with the hope buT NOT LIKE THIS"

Shouting at the end of sentence mahi let his tears flow while breathing heavily as he says again after sniffling lightly "you didn't even thought of what you did to-"


Mahi let out a confused noise as he look at virat who just cut off his sentence as he speak, without letting mahi start. Maybe today their folded heart will open up too let them read each other's letters.


LURE (Mahirat) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें