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There must be many times when mahi had felt awkward but this encounter.............this is more than awkward though he just can't ignore the person in front of him, can he? Looking at the ground, mahi took a deep breath before shutter out "h....hi....hello......"

Thinking virat is going to say something, mahi was ready to turn away fastly but to his surprise virat only nodded before walking past mahi who sighed in relief as he look in front only to notice his luggage outside the last door of corridor. Immediately walking towards it, mahi open the door, finding the room neat and clean with all facilities as he put his luggage aside before laying on the bed after closing the door, to rest.



"YES CAPTAIN!!" Chrous of yell can be heard from the BCCI bus as Mahi nodded before the bus stopped making all of them line up to get down. Mahi also got down after everyone get down before his leg slip up as he stumble forward only to get balanced by a grip on his right arm making him look at the person who helped him.

"th....thanks virat"

"are you okay, bhai?" Jassi came forward as Mahi stand Staright while virat left him before going inside with shubham and hardik since the incident wasn't big, the far away people didn't notice it but Rohit definitely did who eyed virat cautiously as he look at mahi who walk towards the entrance with jassi 'the all above overprotective little brother of mahi', at least that's what they all say.

After meeting everyone again, they all went for practice with no changes except Mahi who is now a little more comfortable than before, Virat is more silent than usual, Rohit who is mostly lost in his thoughts more than before and jassi who is now more protectice of mahi then usual days.

After continuous practice of three hours, everyone decided to take a proper break as they went over to drunk water but rohit notice an insect in one water bottle as he throwed it in the dustbin before walking towards Mahi who is the last one to come for water bottle.


"thanks but I have my own water bottle ro"

Frowning Rohit look around to find who did not drink water as he found one water bottle in each one's hand before his eyes caught virat who is spinning bat in his hand casually while rohit's face became blank.

"how about we all watch movie tonight?"

"hmm......I don't mind"
"good idea"
"I am up for it"
"count me in"
"been a while so yes"
"of course"
"why not?"
"if everyone is agreeing then what am I supposed to say"
"but only if we are ordering"
"yes! Party tonight"

"mahi bhai?"


Looking at mahi's face, Rohit wonders that whatever God does is for a reason, incident, accident, meeting strangers, who even we don't know what will become in future and there is a reason why God makes two people meet continously.............cause it is a tied string of fate, not just a coincidence.

Might Rohit never believed but he knew it is said and now it seems he even believe it when he is sitting on the corner of the settee with Mahi between him and virat and the movie is like a psycho, thriller. Rohit glanced at mahi's face who is watching the movie with interest while Virat is scrolling through his phone with earphone in his ears, who came by force of others and has no interest in the movie.

"you hurted me"

"I know......I have no excuse for that.....I....I will still wait for you in my next life when I can make up for my mistakes and can love you.........only you"

"............I love you"

"me too baby.........I love you........I always will"

The dialogues coming from films are completely fictional as Rohit felt mahi grabbing his hand making rohit look at mahi only to find him staring at the ongoing movie without blinking.

"it can only happen in movies"

Mahi whispered which is even low from whisper but rohit heard it as he tighten his hold around mahi's hand while biting his lips harshly. The movie ended after the main leads kissed as the light also went out making everyone groan before jassi says "OK now so the movie has ended and our dinner has happened, don't be sour. Let's go to sleep and mahi bhai, go with virat, he also stays upstairs so that you won't get hurt"

Saying that everyone get up as Mahi also prepare to get up before he found a hand offered in front of him only to find it is virat's. Hesitantly and nervously, mahi grabbed his offered hand, not wanting to reject him or be rude in front of others as he went upstairs unknown of rohit's stare.

"even movies are taken from real life" Rohit muttered looking at his hand which was grabbing mahi's hand and now it is completely empty. It might not be first time of Rohit to feel longing but the feeling of sting when he watch mahi and virat going in the direction of is truly first time feeling this like a heartbreak and he has to say this is much more bitter than anything he ever thought of.


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