chapter 149

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The Xiongnu is divided into three main parts, with the Chanyu at the center. The Zuoxian Wang governs the eastern region of the Xiongnu, while the Youxian Wang governs the western region. Among them, the Zuoxian Wang is also the next successor to the Chanyu, holding a position similar to that of a crown prince.

Generally, the Zuo, Youxian Wangs are appointed from among the Chanyu's sons. The current Zuo and Youxian Wangs are the two sons of Huyan Huntu.

Chu Hechao had once told Yuan Li about the relationships among the royal nobles in the Xiongnu court, and Yuan Li remembered it very clearly.

Zuoxian Wang is the second son of Huyan Huntu, born to Huyan Huntu and the daughter of the Right General. He comes from a high-ranking lineage. On the other hand, Youxian Wang is the eldest son of Huyan Huntu, but due to his inferior birth status compared to his younger brother, he was relegated to a position below Zuoxian Wang.

However, Youxian Wang doesn't resent his younger brother; he also fears Huyan Huntu. Because his father was too busy, he wasn't disciplined from a young age, which resulted in his weak character.

After being appointed as Youxian Wang, he happily led his men to the western region.

Huyan Huntu remembered the shortcomings of favoring his sons, so he never showed any bias toward any of his children. Especially after his eldest and second sons became the Zuo and Youxian Wangs respectively, he became even more severe and vigilant towards them. Huyan Huntu even ordered that the Zuo and Youxian Wangs were not allowed to approach the court without a reason, to prevent them from colluding with various forces within the court and coveting the position of the Chanyu.

As their father issued this order, the Zuo and Youxian Wangs naturally obeyed. Zuoxian Wang might harbor some dissatisfaction, but Youxian Wang was quite content to stay away from the court. He remained in the western region and only returned to the court when ordered by Huyan Huntu.

Amidst the crisis, not knowing who the Xiongnu cavalry on the other side was, mentioning the name of the Youxian Wang was the safest option because they had a high probability of not encountering people loyal to Youxian Wang, and the Xiongnu on the other side probably hadn't seen Youxian Wang's people.

The pouring rain covered many sounds and also concealed the figures of Yuan Li and his men.

Inspired by Yuan Li's composure, the guide summoned up the courage to shout out the reason.

The Xiongnu cavalry stopped their advance and asked another question.

The guide quickly replied, "They are asking why Youxian Wang sent us here."

Yuan Li had already prepared a reason, "Tell them that Youxian Wang heard about the recent conflicts on the grassland, so he sent us to the court to inquire."

The guide conveyed the message. The leader of the Xiongnu cavalry turned and exchanged a few words with his subordinates, seemingly contemplating whether what they said was true.

Jiang Chai's heart was pounding, and he couldn't tell if it was due to rain or sweat.

After a while, the leader of the Xiongnu cavalry shouted something and then resumed their patrol.

The guide felt weak all over and slumped on his horse, "He said we should not linger here."

Yuan Li exhaled a breath of hot air, "Let's go."

From then on, they proceeded more cautiously. The heavy rain made it difficult to draw a detailed terrain map, so they spent more time trying to discern the landscape.

With no sun to indicate the time, they couldn't tell how long they had been traveling. However, Yuan Li knew from the system's provided time that they had been running for three hours.

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