chapter 50

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Everyone present knew that Huyan Wuzhu was deliberately trying to provoke Chu Hechao.

Chu Hechao was also well aware of Huyan Wuzhu's intentions and knew that it was not the time to rashly confront him. Instead, they should consider the situation carefully.

However, he was indeed provoked.

And it ignited a rage within him like never before.

He wasn't the only one provoked; all the generals who heard those words were furious, wishing to immediately teach Huyan Wuzhu a lesson so that he would never dare to utter such words again.

This kind of provocation is unbearable for any man. If they were to endure it silently, it would only harm the reputation of Chu Hechao and Yuan Li. It would be like throwing a bucket of dirty water on them. If they didn't engage in battle, how would Chu Hechao and Yuan Li handle themselves in the future?

Among the military commanders present, Yang Zhongfa and He Lang were the only two who had met Yuan Li before. They held a favorable impression of Yuan Li, feeling admiration and respect towards him. Even though they knew that Huyan Wuzhu was deliberately provoking them, Yang Zhongfa was the first to stand up, clasping his fists and saying in a deep voice, "Huyan Wuzhu has gone too far in his arrogance. Please allow me, General, to go and confront him!"

This battle must be fought; Huyan Wuzhu had taken the words to such an extreme that there was no room for retreat.

He Lang followed closely, angrily sneering, "I am also willing to go. I can't bear to see General and Young Master Yuan being defamed in such a manner!"

Once they set the example, the others could no longer bear it either and stood up in unison, clasping their fists and requesting to join the battle.

Xin Zhou and the other generals didn't know Yuan Li, nor had they interacted with him before. However, based on the fact that Yuan Li was Chu Hechao's sister-in-law and the benefactor of their entire army, they couldn't tolerate seeing Yuan Li being insulted in such a way by the Xiongnu people.

This is not just about one person's reputation, but the entire Northern Frontier Army's dignity.

Chu Hechao's face grew dark, his eyes filled with a gloomy intensity.

His anger burned fiercely, surpassing the usual rage one would feel when their relationship with their sister-in-law is defamed.

The subordinates who occasionally glanced at his expression were also taken aback, amazed at how the General couldn't tolerate the Huns' insults towards himself and his sister-in-law.

However, they didn't know that within Chu Hechao's heart, there was a mix of shock and fury.

The source of this shock was unknown even to Chu Hechao himself. It was as if some secret, yet-to-be-revealed, had been pierced, igniting a murderous intent within Chu Hechao. His instinct made an instant decision that he must eliminate every person who uttered those words, leaving no one alive.

Not a single survivor.

This surge of killing intent was too intense. Chu Hechao closed his eyes, suppressing the raging desire to kill, and calmly contemplated the situation.

Huyan Wuzhu wanted them to engage in battle. Regardless of the danger involved, they had been bullied at their doorstep. If they didn't respond, it would only shake the morale of the army. However, they couldn't ignore the Xiongnu cavalry stationed on both the eastern and western sides. If they directed all their forces towards Huyan Wuzhu, his 20,000 cavalry could easily turn around and retreat. Once his two sons launched an attack on the Great Wall from a distance of three to four hundred miles, their infantry would never be able to catch up in time for reinforcements.

[BL] After Being Abducted by the GeneralNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ