chapter 160

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The night before meeting the new officials, Yuan Li couldn't stop talking about them, even though Chu Hechao warned him several times. This angered the "older" man, and Chu Hechao coldly lectured him after bringing him to bed.

He couldn't remember when he fell asleep, but early in the morning, Yuan Li opened his eyes with weariness.

His whole body felt sore, as if he had exerted himself too much during exercise. Yuan Li's eyelids drooped, and when he turned his head to the side, he saw red marks on his arm where he had been sucked on. The blue veins on his fair arm were conspicuously visible, giving a sense of luxurious ambiguity.

Yuan Li moved a bit, and someone behind him snuggled up, kissing his ears, neck, and lips, their temperature scorching hot. The voice was low and hoarse, "Sleep a little longer."

The room was filled with a strong fragrance, inducing sleepiness.

Yuan Li stretched lazily, yawned, and pushed the person behind him, saying, "No more sleeping, it's time to get up."

"It's still early," Chu Hechao lazily responded.

Yuan Li said, "I have things to do today."

Chu Hechao, with half-opened eyes, coldly sneered and teased, "Why, still thinking about those officials in their early twenties?"


In an instant, Yuan Li recalled the scene from last night when Chu Hechao became angry as he repeatedly mentioned the new officials. Chu Hechao asked him mockingly during that time: Can those young officials compare to him?

No, they couldn't compare. Now, Yuan Li had nothing to say when he thought back.

Yesterday, he did it deliberately, just to tease Chu Hechao and see how the Great General would react with jealousy. Unexpectedly, things got out of hand.

Yuan Li shook his head heavily and said, "I'm not thinking about them. They are just officials under my command. Brother, get up quickly, I'm hungry."

After saying that, he looked at Chu Hechao with sincerity, and his stomach growled in agreement.

Chu Hechao couldn't bear to let him go hungry, so he playfully pinched Yuan Li's cheek as a warning and got up from the bed.

The clothes he was going to wear today were already placed on the side. Chu Hechao picked them up and put them on, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Yuan Li laid on the bed watching him, appreciating the beautiful lines of Chu Hechao's muscles.

Chu Hechao smirked and glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "Is your man handsome?"

"Handsome," Yuan Li honestly nodded, "and he doesn't look eight years older than me at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Hechao's face darkened.

He couldn't stand to hear such words now.

Yuan Li also realized he said the wrong thing, and his expression immediately turned serious as he tried to remedy it. "But you don't look old at all."

Chu Hechao's mouth twitched. "...Just shut up."

After Chu Hechao finished dressing himself, he came over to help Yuan Li get dressed. Yuan Li cooperated willingly.

Seeing Yuan Li like this, Chu Hechao wished he could tie him up with his belt and take care of everything from head to toe.

Yuan Li's legs extended from under the bedding, and he hissed, not daring to look.

There were red marks all over.

[BL] After Being Abducted by the GeneralTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang