chapter 39

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Zan Mi and Zong Ji were waiting outside, anticipating Yuan Li's summons.

Zhong Ji had a dignified appearance, but he looked extremely haggard at this moment, with dark circles under his eyes. He was restless and kept glancing towards the door. After a while, unable to contain himself, he paced back and forth anxiously, showing great unease.

Zhang Mi tried to comfort him in a low voice, but Zhong Ji couldn't calm down. He was at his wit's end, and Yuan Li was his last hope.

Whenever Zhong Ji thought of the tragic death of his wife and daughter, despair and anger filled his heart. He had even prepared for the worst. If Yuan Li couldn't help him, he planned to join the White Rice Gang with all his possessions and seek revenge.

Zhang Mi had great confidence in Yuan Li and said, "Brother Zhong, rest assured, Young Master Yuan won't ignore your matter."

Zhong Ji forced a bitter smile but didn't reveal his worries.

Those bandits were ruthless, and even the Yanzhou Governor, Che Kangbo, had to avoid their wrath. Although Yuan Li had a reputation for benevolence and righteousness, he had just arrived in Youzhou. Even if he wanted to help, would he really be willing to confront those mountain bandits?

And even if he was willing to confront the bandits, did Yuan Li have soldiers and horses at his disposal?

Although the Grand General Chu Hechao in the northern border had a 130,000-strong army, would he be willing to lend his troops to Yuan Li?

The more Zhong Ji thought about it, the more uneasy he became. Various "impossibilities" weighed heavily on his mind. Just when he was immersed in these mixed emotions, a servant finally approached them and said, "Please follow me, both of you."

Zhong Ji and Zhang Mi exchanged a glance and hurriedly followed behind.

As they entered the main hall, they saw Yuan Li seated at the top. The two of them bowed and said, "We pay our respects to the Young Master."

"No need for formalities," Yuan Li smiled and said, "Please have a seat, both of you."

Zhang Mi stood up and sat down, but Zhong Ji remained bent over and refused to rise. Yuan Li frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhong Ji bent his knees, performed a deep bow, and choked with emotion, "I am Zhong Ji from Jiyin County, Yanzhou. Please forgive my impudence, but I have reached a dead end. I implore Young Master Yuan to avenge my wife and daughter. I am willing to offer my wealth and life as a reward."

Yuan Li walked over and helped him up, guiding him to sit in the chair. "Please, get up quickly. If you have any difficulties, just speak up. There's no need for such a grand gesture."

Zhong Ji swallowed his grief, composed himself, and recounted the tragedy of his wife and daughter being killed.

The firsthand account from the person involved was completely different from hearing it from others. After Zhong Ji finished speaking, Yuan Li's face turned cold, and a faint anger could be seen simmering beneath the surface. "Which gang of bandits are they?"

Seeing his angry expression, Zhong Ji felt much relieved. He stood up once again and performed a bow to Yuan Li, "Those bandits are hiding in the Yi Mountains, calling themselves the Yishan Army. They are numerous and spread across several mountain peaks. Not only are they powerful, but each one is ruthless and has harmed countless innocent people like me. Young Master Yuan, I beg you to intervene on my behalf!"

Just as Yuan Li was about to speak, the system in his mind popped up.

[The Encyclopedia of All Things system has been activated.]

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