chapter 129

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Chu Hechao's clothes were dripping with water, leaving wet footprints with each step he took.

He was followed by seven or eight soldiers, carrying a head covered in hair and soaked with water, leaving a trail of wet marks on the ground.

Yuan Li widened his eyes, staring at Chu Hechao in disbelief. The worry hadn't completely dissipated, but now it was replaced with a sudden surge of joy.

Yang Zhongfa exclaimed happily, "General!"

Chu Hechao's face was still covered with mud, his hair messy. Seeing them having dinner, he stopped a couple of steps away from the table and smiled at them, "I'm back."

He looked tired and haggard, but his eyes were as sharp and alert as a tiger or wolf. Though he appeared bedraggled from the rain, his tall figure standing there was like a pillar of strength, comforting everyone's hearts.

Yuan Li observed him from head to toe. Chu Hechao had lost weight, and his face looked fatigued, but his eyes remained vigilant and full of spirit. Though his appearance seemed weary, his presence was like a stable anchor, making everyone feel at ease.

Yuan Li finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good to have you back."

He quickly glanced at the head Chu Hechao was carrying.

This should be Li Li's head, right?

In the past, when Yuan Li completed a mission, the system would immediately inform him, just like when Wu Kai successfully eliminated the bandits. However, this time, even though Chu Hechao had killed Li Li, the system remained silent. It seemed that the system didn't consider Chu Hechao killing Li Li as Yuan Li completing the task.

Yuan Li had already anticipated this result, and although he was somewhat disappointed, he was just glad that Chu Hechao was safe.


Chu Hechao responded and swept his gaze around the room.

After not seeing each other for several days, he looked thinner and his complexion seemed tired, giving off a weary vibe.

He shifted his gaze to Yang Zhongfa and asked, "You were going to support me?"

"Yes, Lord Yuan was worried that the General might encounter Wu Shanshi's army," Yang Zhongfa said with relief, "Thankfully, you're safe and sound, returning unharmed."

Chu Hechao listened quietly, handing the head in his hand to one of his soldiers, and then he walked to the table and sat down. His posture was straight, and he spoke calmly, "I did encounter Wu Shanshi's army."

Yuan Li, Yang Zhongfa, and others were shocked and looked at him in disbelief.

Chu Hechao smirked, "But I didn't clash with them. Wu Shanshi also came to chase and kill Li Li, but he had too many infantry soldiers, and they couldn't match the speed of my cavalry. When I caught up with Li Li and was returning, I encountered Wu Shanshi's army. My scouts had already discovered their army in advance. The difference in strength was too great, so I abandoned the unnecessary baggage of Li Li and only brought him and his gold, silver, and jewels, leading my cavalry to bypass Wu Shanshi's army."

"Wait," Yuan Li's eyes lit up, "You brought Li Li back? Then whose head are you carrying?"

Chu Hechao looked back at one of his soldiers.

The soldier raised the head, revealing a pale and astonished face.

Yuan Li had never seen this person before, so he frowned, "Who is this?"

"A strategist named Wang Yun, who was by Wu Shanshi's side," Chu Hechao said slowly, resting his hands on his legs, "Although I led my cavalry to avoid Wu Shanshi's army, I couldn't let my guard down. So I sent scouts to secretly follow behind Wu Shanshi's army to see if they would chase after me. Unexpectedly, they caught Wu Shanshi killing this strategist in anger."

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