chapter 98

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Yuan Li slept soundly while Chu Hechao busied himself for a while, changing his clothes and wiping away the smell of alcohol.

He had never done such a thing before, but he was surprisingly patient when taking care of Yuan Li. He personally took off his shoes and clothes. When Chu Hechao finally laid on the bed, holding Yuan Li as they slept, he found it unbelievable. He couldn't imagine himself being so attentive to someone. He pinched Yuan Li's nose and looked at the person in his arms, feeling both annoyed and fond, "It's only you who can make me like this."

Yuan Li, with a flushed face, uncomfortably made a few grunting sounds.

The more Chu Hechao looked at him, the more he liked him, to the point where he wished he could shrink Yuan Li and tuck him into his waistband. His heart burned with desire as he looked at him, and he couldn't help but bite Yuan Li's cheek lightly before letting go.

The morning light seeped through the door.

Yuan Li, who was deep in sleep, turned over to avoid the light when suddenly a voice rang in his mind.

【Chancellor of the First Generation system activated】

【Annihilation of the Yishan Army mission completed, rewards have been issued. Please explore on your own, host.】

Yuan Li gradually woke up from his hazy dream. In the next moment, the location of the coal mine appeared directly in his mind.

Realizing what had happened, Yuan Li sat up abruptly, his eyes shining brightly as drowsiness vanished.

It turned out that Wu Kai had successfully wiped out the Yishan Army, he obtained the coal mine!

Yuan Li was overjoyed and couldn't wait to go and see what the coal mine looked like. But as soon as he moved, the man beside him pressed his arm against him, pinning Yuan Li back onto the bed. With a tired voice, he said, "Sleep a little longer."

Yuan Li wriggled out from under him and looked at the man's sleeping face. Flashes of last night's drunken memories came back to him intermittently.


Yuan Li's expression twisted slightly. He quietly moved Chu Hechao's hand away, and just when he was about to succeed, Chu Hechao asked, "What are you doing?"

Caught red-handed, Yuan Li's face turned hot. He quickly preempted and said, "Get up quickly. It's getting late, and you have to leave."

Chu Hechao opened his eyes, gradually becoming more awake. He looked at Yuan Li's guilty appearance and raised an eyebrow, but he didn't move.

Yuan Li pulled him off the bed and bunched up Chu Hechao's clothes, urging, "Hurry, hurry."

Chu Hechao stood there, bare-chested and strong. He looked down at the clothes in his arms, stable as if rooted to the ground. No matter how much Yuan Li pushed, he didn't budge. When he got annoyed from being pushed, he lazily said, "You want me to leave as soon as I wake up? Have you forgotten how I took care of you last night, Yuan Le Jun? Don't you have a conscience?"

Yuan Li simply replied, "No."

"...," Chu Hechao was almost amused by his response. He looked down at Yuan Li, squinting his eyes threateningly. "Give me a kiss, and then I'll leave."

Yuan Li's mouth still had the taste of alcohol, which wasn't pleasant. He didn't want to kiss him like this. He negotiated, "How about after we wash up?"

The man still wasn't satisfied.

But then a knocking sound came from outside the door. "Lord, have you awakened?"

[BL] After Being Abducted by the GeneralUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum