chapter 61

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The scene fell silent, not a sound could be heard.

Everyone dared not move a muscle.

The performer on stage immediately knelt down with a thud, sweat pouring down his forehead. They didn't know what had provoked Chu Hechao, so they instinctively pleaded for forgiveness, "General, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

Chu Hechao remained motionless.

The sudden eruption of anger was too fierce. Something seemed to surface in his eyes, then recede repeatedly, without a single word uttered.

He remained silent, and no one in the room dared to make a sound.

After a long while, Chu Hechao spoke, "On a joyous occasion like this, with the year coming to an end, look at what you're telling."

Everyone knew that performers often used satire in their acts, wrapping deeper meanings within comedies and using funny stories to criticize the current state of the world or rulers.

For a moment, Chu Hechao even felt that these performers had seen through his thoughts and fabricated a story specifically to mock and allude to him in front of his face.

But he knew that these were just his own overthinking.

However, how could these performers dare?

How could they dare to tell a story of brother and sister-in-law incest, using vulgar and obscene language, while both he and Yuan Li were present in the audience? How could this not make people think they were insinuating something?

"Brother and sister-in-law incest, widowed sister-in-law, deceased older brother," with each word Chu Hechao spoke, a smirk appeared on his face, raising his eyelids, "You brought up these words today, who were you trying to speak to? Are you implying something to me?"

The performer was greatly alarmed and trembled as he begged for mercy, "No, no... I, I had no intention of mocking the General!"

Others were suddenly shocked. Yes, speaking such a story in front of the General and Young Master Yuan, could it really not be a deliberate mockery aimed at them?

Yang Zhongfa reacted quickly, his face instantly contorted with anger, his brows furrowing as he slammed the table and stood up, scolding loudly, "You're clearly insinuating something! Speak, who instructed you to do this!"

The performers began to explain frantically.

They came from humble backgrounds and had no idea that the General had an older brother and a sister-in-law, let alone that the older brother had passed away, leaving only the sister-in-law behind. They had no knowledge that the General and his widowed sister-in-law were sitting in the audience, and if they had known, they wouldn't have dared to tell such a story of brother and sister-in-law incest to their faces, even if they were beaten to death!

To prove their innocence, the lead performer even repeated the words spoken by He Lang when he invited them.

He Lang had invited the performers to entertain, and the kind of stories that entertained men were usually of that nature. After all, the military camp was full of rough men, and He Lang had hinted that they should prepare some humorous and slightly indecent stories.

The performers had prepared not only this story but many others as well. It was just by chance that the first story they told happened to be about brother and sister-in-law incest, which was seen as having ulterior motives.

Cold sweat broke out on He Lang's forehead, and he immediately stood up and apologized, "General, please forgive me. I did indeed speak these words to the performers."

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