chapter 59

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At the moment, there was no chili pepper, and the two soups in the split pot were not spicy soup and original soup. Instead, they were chicken soup and mushroom soup.

While the two brothers, Yuan Lou and Yuan Dan, were resting in the afternoon, the chicken soup and mushroom soup had already simmered the entire time. It had been simmering for two hours now. As the fire burned, the creamy white soup boiled, releasing a fragrant aroma that made one's mouth water.

The brothers stared fixedly at the pot, unable to help but swallow their saliva.

The table was filled with a variety of vegetables and meat. The meat was the freshest beef, sliced into thin circles by the chef, not that much thicker as the meat rolls in later times. This beef came from two bulls that fought in the livestock farm. One of them was directly stabbed in the stomach by the other, and that's how it ended up being slaughtered and brought to the estate. Yuan Li had left the beef outside to freeze, preparing it for hotpot or for the Lunar New Year.

Eating hotpot in winter was a delightful experience, especially for those who had never tasted such delicacies before. With one bite, the taste buds exploded, warming the body and satisfying the palate. It was simply addictive.

Eating hotpot together was a great way to strengthen bonds. As they ate, their camaraderie noticeably grew warmer.

Yuan Lou and Yuan Dan had let go of their inhibitions and eagerly recounted their excitement throughout the journey, especially their surprise and pride upon learning that Yuan Li had temporarily assumed the role of the Provincial Governor in Youzhou. Their faces turned red as they spoke, and they were still overwhelmed with excitement.

Yuan Li listened attentively, his gentle demeanor unchanged. He asked them many questions about their hometown, drawing out stories of his father's enfeoffment that brought tears of joy to their relatives, the establishment of ancestral temples to worship their clan, and the influx of followers after their father was hailed as Lord Ruyang... Yuan Li could vividly imagine the festive scenes in Ruyang County from their descriptions.

As he listened, he felt a deep sense of contentment.

In addition, Yuan Lou and Yuan Dan brought many things with them.

Yuan Song had sent six hundred loyal and talented subordinates, as well as thirty individuals selected from the followers who sought refuge under him, all of whom had come to Youzhou.

Upon hearing about the followers sent by Yuan Song, Yuan Li's spirits lifted, and he felt greatly pleased.

Of course, these retainers are not all talented individuals like Liu Jixin. Yuan Li doesn't need to see them to know that most of them at best can read and handle official duties, and have some knowledge. Because of Yuan Song's identity, as a minor Guannei Marquis, the quality of the retainers who would seek refuge with him would not be very high. More talented individuals would not choose Yuan Song.

However, even so, they are still like treasures to Yuan Li.

Because Yuan Li is truly lacking in grassroots civil servants.

As a provincial governor, he has to deal with numerous government affairs and documents. Just subordinate officials alone has dozens of positions, such as Zhizhong Officials, Bijia Officials, Gongcao Officials, Bingcao Officials, Zhubu Officials, and so on. These all need to be filled with Yuan Li's own people.

The thirty individuals sent by Yuan Song must be of decent character and knowledge, otherwise Yuan Song would not have sent them. These individuals can temporarily help Liu Jixin handle daily official duties and relieve some of his pressure.

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