chapter 122

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Li Li sent people in the name of the Emperor, so even if Wu Shanshi didn't want to see them, he had to reluctantly welcome them.

The visitor's name was Luo Yue, with the courtesy name Zhongchang. He was a clever and eloquent strategist under Li Li's command, showing signs of astuteness. Li Li sent him to Wu Shanshi with two main purposes: first, to try to win him over, and second, if that failed, to sow discord and create chaos in the Northern Three Provinces.

After the incident where Yuan Li caught him for his careless words and rebutted him, Luo Yue was very cautious this time and spoke flawlessly, using the Emperor's name and half of the kingdom's ruling power as an exchange. He subtly invited Wu Shanshi to lead his troops to Luoyang to protect the Emperor's safety.

Upon hearing "half of the kingdom," even though Wu Shanshi despised people like Luo Yue, he couldn't help but be taken aback and genuinely tempted.

That was half of the kingdom...

Seeing his reaction, Wei Ji knew that he was intrigued and immediately coughed softly to bring Wu Shanshi back to reality from his daydreams.

Wu Shanshi was not a hopeless fool. Once he regained his senses, he understood that even if half of the kingdom was tempting, he had to refuse despite the pain.

Li Li's reputation was already rotten to the core. The whole world was against him, so how could Wu Shanshi stand by Li Li's side at this critical moment?

Despite his reluctance, Wu Shanshi firmly refused, "Absurd. I have no achievements or the ability to save the Emperor. How can I be rewarded with such a title by the Emperor? Let's not discuss this matter again, please leave."

Luo Yue smiled faintly and didn't insist, "Your reputation is well-known, and you are a person of great ability. Besides you, who else can the Emperor trust like this? But if the Lord is unwilling, I dare not insist. I just arrived in Jizhou and ask the Lord to let me stay for a few days to enjoy the beauty of Jizhou."

Wu Shanshi waved his hand dismissively, "Feel free to explore."

After these people left, Wei Ji nodded slightly, "Well done, Lord. Even though they are using the name of the Emperor, we should firmly refuse, detach ourselves from Li Li, and avoid awkward situations. However, we can't let them stay in Jizhou for too long. Mitai, find an opportunity to drive them out of Jizhou."

Mitai stood up and complied.

Wei Ji added, "You all may disperse now. I need to talk to the Lord about something."

The subordinates saluted and left one by one. Zhou Gongdan was among them, leaving Wu Mansion respectfully. However, once he returned to his residence, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

Today was a gloomy day, and the end of spring was still cold and damp with bone-chilling winds. Zhou Gongdan wore many layers, but he couldn't shake off the biting cold.

Even in his own residence, he still felt exhausted and uneasy.

Zhou Gongdan had been by Wu Shanshi's side for three years. In this time, he had gained Wu Shanshi's trust and had seen through his true nature, as well as that of his group of advisers.

Wu Shanshi had an illustrious reputation, and when Zhou Gongdan first joined him, he might have been deceived, thinking Wu Shanshi was a capable ruler with great selflessness. But the longer they were together, the more flaws Wu Shanshi exposed. Especially with Yuan Li's presence and the support of Chu Hechao, Wu Shanshi seemed even more mediocre.

Although Wu Shanshi was generous and gave him this magnificent residence, Zhou Gongdan still missed his days in Youzhou.

He let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, calming his tense emotions.

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