chapter 146

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Being reminded of his complacency by Yuan Li and Yang Zhongfa, He Lang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Yes, he had unconsciously started to underestimate the Xiongnu.

Quickly snapping out of it, he shook himself and raised his guard once again.

After the Xiongnu had retreated, Yuan Li and the others descended from the wall. They gathered inside the main tent to discuss how to deal with the Xiongnu's provocations.

Yuan Li listened silently to their discussions without saying a word. Even when Yang Zhongfa turned to look at him and asked, "Lord Yuan, do you have any thoughts?" he remained quiet.

Others also turned their gaze towards Yuan Li, hoping to hear his insights. Yang Zhongfa truly believed that Yuan Li had the talent of a great general. If it were not for Yuan Li already having a mentor, he would have wanted to teach him the skills of war and combat. Though the others didn't know Yuan Li well, they had heard about his achievements over the years and were aware of his capabilities. Their gazes were filled with expectation and encouragement.

After a moment's pause, Yuan Li thought to himself, "Can I really offer any useful ideas?" But such self-doubt only lingered for a brief moment before Yuan Li smiled and dismissed it.

It was just an idea, why couldn't he share it?

With the new Emperor Cultivation System in place, Yuan Li couldn't allow himself to show any signs of timidity.

He cleared his throat, organized his thoughts for a moment, and recalled what Chu Hechao had told him before leaving about how to handle external threats.

This external threat did not specifically refer to the Xiongnu but included the Xiongnu, Wuwan, and other tribes that might launch surprise attacks on the rear.

In war, it was best to avoid fighting on two fronts. If someone attacked from behind, they might take the opportunity to attack Youzhou. Chu Hechao had advised Yuan Li on how to deal with such situations, the weaknesses and strengths of various enemies, and which troops to call upon in the worst-case scenario.

All of this formed the basis for Yuan Li's plan.

"I do have some ideas, but whether we can use them depends on everyone's opinions," Yuan Li said candidly.

Mi Yang waved his hand nonchalantly and said in a rough voice, "Speak up, Governor Yuan!"

Yuan Li smiled faintly and summed up his plan in four words, "Kill first, then pursue."

Three days later, a group of around a hundred Xiongnu cavalry once again harassed the border.

As usual, the Northern Border army pursued and drove them away, and the Xiongnu fled without any intention of engaging in battle.

But when the Xiongnu reached an ordinary-looking grassland and their warhorses suddenly stepped into a concealed pitfall trap, they tumbled forward and fell into the pit. The pit was filled with sharp spears, which impaled both the cavalry and their horses in an instant.

The cavalry in the rear immediately shouted, "It's a pitfall trap!"

He tried hard to restrain the horse and turn around but suddenly heard urgent drum sounds from behind. The horse was scared and dashed forward, falling into a pitfall, pierced through without resistance.

Screams echoed as Yang Zhongfa walked to the pitfall and squatted down, coldly observing the miserable condition of the Xiongnu soldiers trapped inside.

Some Xiongnu were lightly injured and tried to escape from the pitfall. Yang Zhongfa grinned and directly chopped off their hands with his sword.

The Xiongnu wailed in pain and were thrown back into the pitfall.

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