chapter 90

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Yuan Li maintained a calm expression and turned to give a few instructions to Guo Lin before calmly comforting the new recruits.

Chu Hechao couldn't help but feel a bit intrigued by Yuan Li's demeanor and found himself lost in thought.

Yang Zhongfa, standing beside him, followed his gaze and saw Yuan Li. Suddenly, a strange feeling arose in Yang Zhongfa, and he called out softly, "General?"

Chu Hechao withdrew his gaze and gave Yang Zhongfa a cold glance, asking, "What is it?"

The strange feeling in Yang Zhongfa's heart vanished before he could grasp it, and he shook his head, feeling like he must have been sunstruck. "We should leave too."

The soldiers who had made it to the final stage were too exhausted to continue on foot. Yuan Li had the personal guards take them back on horseback, showing great care in his words and surprising the new recruits.

At this moment, they saw the fear they had felt when witnessing Wu Ze's beheading transform into awe. It was like a carrot and stick approach, and the new recruits were truly impressed by the Governor's actions.

Before mounting their horses, Yuan Li glanced at the crowd and quickly spotted Chu Hechao's figure. Chu Hechao seemed to sense it and looked back at him.

Their eyes met, and the young man's previously stern and imposing demeanor melted away. The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he blinked at Chu Hechao.

Chu Hechao's chest began pounding heavily.

He watched as Yuan Li parted his lips and was about to speak, unable to control his footsteps as he walked briskly towards him. He stopped in front of Yuan Li and asked, "What did you say?"

Yuan Li didn't expect him to approach so openly and was briefly surprised. Being mindful of the others present, he mumbled, "I didn't say anything. Why did you come over?"

"You blinked at me," Chu Hechao's lips curled up, and his gaze roamed over Yuan Li. He lowered his voice and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not appropriate to blink at your younger brother-in-law in broad daylight."

Yuan Li twitched at the corner of his mouth.

He gave Chu Hechao a stern look.

That glance almost softened Chu Hechao's heart. Afraid of being too obvious, he forcefully suppressed the corners of his mouth, his face turning cold and rigid. "If there's nothing, I'll go back."

Yuan Li silently glanced at Chu Hechao, not saying a word, and rode away directly.

Chu Hechao watched his figure, feeling that something was not right. It wasn't until he and his subordinates mounted their horses to leave that his expression changed. He turned to Yang Zhongfa and said, "Did I sound fierce when I said that?"

With the same expression and tone, he repeated the words he had spoken to Yuan Li. Yang Zhongfa nodded repeatedly, "Very fierce."

Chu Hechao's expression became worse, and he wiped his face. "This is bad."

Yang Zhongfa was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Do you usually scold your wife?" Chu Hechao suddenly changed the subject.

Yang Zhongfa replied, "It depends on the situation. After getting older, I don't scold her much anymore. When I was young, I had a quick temper and scolded her from time to time. Every time I scolded her, she would cry, my god, she cried more tears than the Yellow River."

He made a regretful expression, waving his hand. "After two or three times, I didn't dare scold her anymore."

He Lang laughed, "General, are you thinking of getting married?"

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