ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝: Colours.

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A refreshing hue of reds, oranges and yellows embraced the embellished skies. A small aeroplane glided through the heavenly air as flocks of bird fluttered by. A ginormous golden orb of sunlight rustled the boughs of trees and painted the emerald leaves aureate. The merciful laughter of giggling children simmered through the gravelled streets. Trains chugged along the scraping steels of rail tracks. A dog howled in the distance. A lamp post flickered in the horizon. Time felt as thought it was held at a standstill even though the world ended up orbiting around the sun. 

Yeonjun's sooty lustrous hair drooped over his forehead as his head was enveloped by the comfort of his pillow. Subtle snores echoed from his nostrils whilst he slumbered away into dream land. The mellow warmth of the sunset hugged him during the time he slept. He let out a subconscious huff as he shifted and turned himself to face the wall.

A man voice called from below. 
"Wake up! Someone's here for you!"





The boy jolted up from his bed and rolled off to meet the wooden floor board with an agonising thud. He let out a groan of despair as he held his head while rolling around like a complete fool. His painfully shut eyelids fluttered open with the most disgusted look plastered upon his face. Yet the young man could barely keep them open for a second. However, he was alive enough to hear the malevolent footsteps approaching the door to his bedroom. With a swift turn of the knob, it flew open to reveal a shorter and much older man with a white tank top covered in curry and sweat pants dripping with dust. 

The man sighed and face palmed.
"What are you doing on the floor, kid?"
He questioned, obviously being done with Yeonjun.

Yeonjun groaned once again and kissed his teeth before sitting up in a lazy cross legged position. He held his paining head as his eyes were still closed.
"Slaying a dragon, that's what"
He spoke sarcastically in his husky tone.
"Why you screaming so loud, dad? Geez"

Mr Choi rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.
"I'm asking you to get your ass off that goddamn bed because Beomgyu's here"
He replied.

Yeonjun's eyes immediately shot open and his jaw dropped to the floor. 
"H-He WHAT?!"
He yelled.
"You weren't kidding?!"

Right then, another familiar figure approached from behind his father causing Yeonjun to have an internal heart attack. The elder boy was not only sitting on the floor like a complete idiot but also had a shrivelled up navy Naruto shirt one with his horrendously styled hair sticking up from all ends. The new arrival, however, was a complete contrast. A neatly styled brown hoodie drooped over a pair of black ripped jeans with his caramel locks delicately combed. His lips looking as lush as ever with glint of sunlight hovering over his rosemary cheeks.

Yeonjun's breath was caught in his throat, trying to utter a word but it simply was no use. Beomgyu perked up his glasses and gave a half hearted smile which seemed empty to the core to Yeonjun. He looked numb. The musical spark in his seemed as though it disappeared. That bright annoying smile was abolished. Yeonjun watched carefully as Beomgyu bowed and handed his dad a white plastic bag full of contents. Mr Choi politely took it and thanked Beomgyu before excusing himself from the room and leaving with the shut of the door.

Silence. Silence overtook the atmosphere. Not a comfortable nor a weird silence. Just silence. Yeonjun bit his lip prior to standing up and scratching his head.

Yeonjun cleared his throat.
"Yeah erm-"
He then hastily began to fix his bed up.
"Sorry about the mess, I wasn't exactly expecting you"

Beomgyu sheepishly smiled.
"No i-it's okay, I'm sorry for turning up unannounced like this"
He nibbled on his bottom lip.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, I-I can go if you-"

Yeonjun shook his head as he dug the bed sheets into the edges of the mattress.
"No, it's fine"
He stopped and looked up at Beomgyu with a sigh.
"Don't just stand there and sit down"
He stood up and sat back down on his bed, patting the space next to him.
"I won't bite, gyu, well at least not now"
Yeonjun realised the joke was absolutely humourless as Beomgyu gave no reaction.
"Too soon?"

Beomgyu gave a gentle smile.
"You tried"
He let out a low chuckle and sat himself down hesitantly next to Yeonjun. Now a comfortable silence had taken over them. Beomgyu realised Yeonjun wanted to speak but was becoming quite fidgety about it.
"Your dad is still as generous as ever"

Yeonjun let out a breathy laugh.
"Tell me about it"
He began to smile to himself and turned his head to meet Beomgyu's cheerless eyes.
"Want something to eat?"

Beomgyu shook his head and smiled.
"No no, it's okay, thank you"
Yet another wave of silence washed over them. Beomgyu tapped on his knees and peered around, feeling quite guilty for showing up randomly and causing a hassle. He made up his mind that he should leave so he stood up abruptly.
"I should go-"

However, a tender hand wrapped itself around his wrist preventing him from uttering another word and moving another step. Yeonjun examined Beomgyu's joyless expression from his seat on the bed before beginning to speak.
"Beomgyu, what happened?"
He spoke in almost a gentle whisper. He then stood up and peered down at the shorter boy.
"I've known you long enough to make the conclusion something's wrong"

Beomgyu swallowed an appearing lump in his throat and shook his head as he tried to muster a convincing smile.
"N-Nothing's wrong, I simply just w-wanted to pay a visit since I haven't seen your dad in a whi-"
He was practically fighting a war with his tears.
"Everything's fine, r-really"

Yeonjun sighed and brushed his hair back.
"I know I'm literally like the last person you would want to tell but-"
He breathes.
"You obviously came here for a reason and I'm willing to listen"

"I'm fine, seriously"

"You don't look fine"

"Then stop looking"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Because you're still too pretty even when you're sad"

Beomgyu's heart flipped over and did a little dance in his hollow chest. Butterflies swooned over every inch of his stomach and his lungs were captivated in a stance. Those words played with his head like he's some toy. However, he couldn't bare it anymore. That sentence stung him like a swarm of bees and it stung hard. Really hard. Tears prickled his eyelids and he immediately used the sleeve of his hoodie to erase them. He sniffled and had his gaze fixated on the ground, wishing that he could disappear from the elder's sight.

But boy was he wrong to think Yeonjun could be deceived. With not a word uttered and one swift pull, he drew in Beomgyu's body so that a warm brittle embrace could overtake their flesh. The latter responded back in an instant with his arms snaking up to Yeonjun's back and unwind in the embrace of the older boy. Beomgyu squeezed Yeonjun closer to him and felt as if the universe was beginning to piece itself together. He pinched his eyelids shut and let a stream of tears flow down the crevices of his rosemary cheeks. The silence conquered the feverish humming of birds as well as the turning world around them.

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