ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚: Set.

236 10 7

Her winter hair drooped over her forehead as the captivating clasp of the dim sun danced amongst the walls. Her fingers slithered on the casted screen of her phone and her vision lingered on the photo that had been held hostage within her device. She aggressively nibbled on her bottom red lip as malicious thoughts lingered in her wave of plans. She pressed out the gallery and moved onto her Instagram where she was seemingly bombarded with an orchestra of messages clouding her about her disastrous love life.


"nah das crazyyyyy"

"how can bro get humiliated by jun and this guy i swear"

"man got dumped twice in the same way 💀💀💀"

Taerin clenched her jaw and let out a demonic scream as her phone got sent flying towards the wall in fearful speed. Her finger tips brushed back her hair whilst a sizzling fury and monstrous wave of emotions crawled inside her, tickling all her thoughts. She took deep and captivating breaths trying to bring light into her situation but was that working? No. Taerin swallowed down a tsunami of saliva and gulped down her suffering. Her darkened mascara littered around gleaming eyes and her black leather jacket was practically ready to dip from the surface of her icy skin. 

A click at the door brought her back to her senses that she somewhat gathered and her fatigued vision blurred out the disgraceful world around her. A sincere and guilty pair of eyes interlocked with her disastrous ones. The boy sighed and shut the door behind him softly before tipping his shoes off and placing a white plastic bag on the dressing table. He pierced his lip awkwardly and stood in front of her.

He scratched his head.
"Joshua told me you were here"
He bit his lip trying to think of what to say.

Taerin scoffed and rubbed her forearms.
"Save it, Vernon"
She wiped her teary eyes with her thumb and laughed it off sadly.
"I don't even get why you bothered to come here"

Vernon sighed and clenched his jaw.
"Taerin, you were walking out there on the streets all night"
He stuffed his hands in his pocket.
"I don't get why you didn't just go ho-"

"You're really fucked up when it comes to comforting, yeah?"

"Well maybe I'm not trying to comfort you"

"Then why are you fucking here?!"

"Because I care about you, God dammit!"

Taerin immediately shut up and stood up. She then walked over to Vernon and edged closer to his face before whispering her words.
"You're sick, just like everyone else"
She heaved internally as she stared into Vernon's dark eyes.

Vernon scoffed and let out a laugh of disbelief.
"Oh so the girl who is a massive cheater isn't, huh?"
He rubbed his forehead.
"I came to give you some food but you obviously have no intention of thanking me"

"Are you being fucking for real?! You barge in here to ruin my whole ass mood-"

"You can't ruin what's already destroyed, Somi!"
Vernon shoved past Taerin and sat down on her bed. He peered up at Taerin.
"You cheated on not one but two of the most popular guys in school and expect yourself not to be humiliated?"
He scoffed and bit the inside of his cheek.
"Before, I actually played along with your stupid games, whether that be treating Beomgyu like actual shit or hooking up with whoever the hell you want when you're dating someone"
Vernon then stood up and shrugged.
"But I'm done with that shit and I think you need to know that"

Taerin was speechless. The guy she trusted her whole life had just let her down. But she knew he was completely in the right mind and she was the one that had lost her mind. Everything she did was utterly corrupt and ruthless. She fought back her frosty tears and sniffed whilst looking at everything but Vernon.
"So that's that, huh? You're going to give up on me? Just like that?"
She let out a sad laugh conveyed through disbelief.

Vernon sighed and stood up. He then approached Taerin and inched closer to her before lifting the palm of his hands and caressing her bittersweet cheeks in a tender manner.
"I can't bring myself to do so, Taerin I-"
He took another deep breath.
"You know this"
Vernon took a step back once he realised she had tensed due to his touch.
"I don't want to drag the topic but don't post that picture of Beomgyu and Yeonjun, no matter what"

"Why does that matter to you?"

"You're chasing after black space, what are you going to get out of it?"


"Don't say revenge, you and I both know you're the one who screwed up"


"No buts, just listen to me this once, Taerin, please for the love of God"

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