Chapter 325 - 326

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Chapter 325

So I was very happy to get so many points for nothing. He didn't continue to speak. The more he spoke, the more mistakes he made. What he wanted to say was just a little bit.

This is the way the world is. If someone is living a worse life than they are, they will be able to sympathize with them, but they will not lend a helping hand. If someone is living a better life than they are, they will be happy to say bad things and say bad things if they have the opportunity. He will also extend his salty hands to get some benefits.

Is the current police station really the same police station as before?

In fact, it is no longer the case. The members of the police station are also priority mutants. These mutants have not been systematically studied at all. They are just arranged because they are mutants and have high combat effectiveness.

There are special training sessions every day, and I can keep up once I take action, but in terms of mentality and character, I really can't keep up. Because Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan also had merit in reporting, they were brought to the police station several times to arrange transcripts. Fortunately, they had plenty of time and came twice out of three times.

Anyway, it was just a chat, not very annoying. They happened to drop by every time. Since they were wandering outside anyway, I didn't want to leave, so I went to sit inside the police station and took notes.

Today was the second and last time. They happened to meet Lan Yuxin when they left the police station.

Lan Yuxin naturally knew these two people. They saw someone kidnapping a woman there, so they reported it and rescued everyone, including her.

If it weren't for these two people, she might still be locked up in the basement by that pervert and tortured day after day. What she wants to do most right now is to cut that pervert into pieces!

"Gentlemen, please wait a moment."

Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan stood there and waited, then a woman chased after them.

When Lan Yuxin got closer to them, she realized that these two people were not falsely tall, but really tall. Their shoes were all flat-soled, so there was no booster pad, which meant they were really that tall...

"Ah... ..." Lan Yuxin was stunned for a moment, and quickly came to her senses, "What...Actually, I'm here to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might still be..."

Tang Ming understood immediately. "It turns out... but this is the first time we have met someone who came to thank us. Your mentality is quite good. What's wrong? You don't look good. Is it because the compensation agreement has not been reached?"

They came and came. When I was at the police station, I kept hearing that there were still a few women who had not agreed to the issue of compensation.

Lan Yuxin immediately turned serious, "No, I will never reach an agreement with them. I just want those criminals to be punished by law! I will not give up, even if it means death..."

Tang Ming took a deep breath. His tone was, "You said it well, but it's hard to do it."

"You have to know, when something like this happened before, ordinary people like you could use the Internet, but do you think there is still an Internet now? "

Lan Yuxin was slightly startled. She has a mobile phone and has been surfing the Internet recently. Maybe she is used to it, so she temporarily forgot that the network no longer exists. The Internet she uses on her mobile phone is actually just the internal network of the capital base.

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