Chapter 108 - 109

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Chapter 108

Lin Anxiao also felt that it was right. If they were eaten all, what would they eat?

He followed Tang Ming outside to let all the dogs out.

Anyway, the puppies are very smart, they will not run around, they will only run around and have fun within the two manors, and the two manors combined are very large and spacious, enough for them to run for a long time.

Tang Ming greeted Lin Anxiao and left the manor on foot.

Because the car was driven away by Tang Tianlan, he decided to walk there by himself.

Although there is another car, Chandobei's car, listening in the garage.

But he didn't want to drive, because he weighed nearly 400 kilograms now, and if he got in the car, the car would still shake up and down.

It would be weird if someone saw it.

Anyway, he is going to the nearest vegetable market from here, which is where he went last time. It only takes about twenty minutes to walk, so it is not very far.

In the past, I always took Lin Anxiao there, but he always lied about his foot pain and refused to go, so he carried him there on his back.

He never felt tired.

Now his weight has increased so much, and his physical fitness has improved many times.

Carrying a five-year-old child is a piece of cake.

He walked all the way to the vegetable market and saw that not far away, the Chandobe Manor was planned and houses were still being built. It was still busy there.

Because Qian Duobei spent a lot of money, the construction team invited a lot of people over.

Moreover, technology is advancing very fast now. A few decades ago, building a house might have taken several months and half a year.

But now as long as there are enough people and materials are in place, it can be completely completed in two to three months.

The next step is decoration...

Speaking of decoration, it may take two or three months. No, it's too long...

Five floors, more than 500 square meters, then let the rich boss Qian Duobei Just invite a dozen or so decoration teams to come over and let them decorate. This can save a lot of time.

Calculating the time then, if it’s quick, it might be less than a month.

When Tang Ming walked to the vegetable market, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

At this time, most people had already bought vegetables and went back, so there were not many people in the vegetable market, and there were still some scattered people walking around.

Most of them are distributed at the vegetable and fruit stalls, but the price of vegetables and fruits now remains high, and not everyone is willing to spend

money to buy them.

Originally, vegetables were picked randomly from the fields in front of the door, but now you have to come here to buy them.

The cheapest one pound of vegetables costs twenty or thirty Chinese coins. Everyone was frightened. There were many people watching, but

very few .

On the contrary, although there were few people at the meat stall, everyone who passed by would leave with at least some meat. Tang Ming walked to the meat stall and bought it from the stall owner who visited it every day.

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