Chapter 120 - 121

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Chapter 120

"What are you doing? What's your name? What's going on?!"

The old couple couldn't turn around. "Does the house you are renovating still belong to Lin Fen?"

"Who are you talking about, Lin Fen? I don't I know, anyway, the two houses to be connected belong to the same person. He is a big boss and very rich. One house is more than three million yuan, and buying two houses together is six to seven million yuan. What are you talking about? Is Fen a person with so much money?"

The person in the decoration team actually knew the name of the employer who hired them, because although he couldn't remember the name of the boss who signed the contract, he knew it was three characters, not two. word.

So this group of people are definitely not talking about the wealthy boss, that is to say, they were the previous head of household before the boss bought the house. Unfortunately, they all took the money and left to buy a house in another cheaper place!

There is still a lot of money in hand.

This is basically what local people do now. Every household has basically bought a new house and still has money left on hand. However, the location of the new house is a bit remote.

In fact, the head of the household in the villa community is the most powerful. He can earn tens of millions at once, and he will not have to worry about it in the future!

As soon as they heard that these two houses were bought by a boss for more than three million yuan each, the two old couples were so excited that they almost fainted.

But fortunately, they still wanted to know where Lin Fen had gone, so they couldn't faint.

"By the way, do you know where the previous owner of this house went? This house belongs to us, and he sold it without consulting us!" The

decoration team knew they were lying as soon as they heard this. , who is the head of the household? Is it just a matter of words?

If the house does not belong to the original owner, how did he sell the house?

And passed so many inspections and signed a contract?

Therefore, they immediately thought that this group of people must be the head of the household at the front of the house, who sold the house because of financial problems.

As a result, I came back now and wanted to get the house back, but found that it had been sold, so I lied here.

"I don't know about that. We are just a decoration team hired by the current head of household. We don't know anything else. If you want to know, just contact the person you know."

"There is always a phone number, right? Don't you know each other? "Really?"

Then the old couple remembered that they still had a phone.

But just when they took out the phone to make a call, two security guards came up from downstairs, "Hey! Who are you?!"

"If you are not a resident of this community, and you are not here to decorate and deliver food, please give it to me quickly. Get out!"

The old couple was stunned for a moment when they saw the security guard. This community that had existed for decades did not have such dedicated security guards a decade or two ago. How come there is one now?

Was it going well when they came in?

However, what they don't know is that the housing prices of all the communities in S city have risen sharply recently, so the property fees of all communities have increased. Since the property fees have increased, then the salary of a security guard of 5,000 Chinese dollars per month will be It can still be sent.

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