Chapter 124 - 125

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Chapter 124

It's just... now that the soil needs to be replaced every day, Lin Jiangrou needs to catch bugs every day. Although she doesn't feel tired at all, she still feels very happy because she has something to do.

But Lin Fen was still worried. After observing for a few days, he found that his mother's expression was indeed much better, so he let her go.

I still go out to grab food every day, hoping that life will return to calm soon.

Early the next morning, Tang Ming saw Yao Guanglin and walked up to shake hands with him.

Tang Tianlan was also at home today, and Qian Duobei also came over to watch the fun. To be honest, Yao Guanglin felt terrified when he looked at Tang Tianlan, but Qian Duobei was completely different.

When I saw him before, he was still a big fat guy, but now he has become a rich, handsome man!

"Boss Tang, Boss Qian, how are you going to plan the remaining land?"

Tang Ming took out his drawings, which showed an aerial view of Qian Duobei's manor and his own.

The two small squares above are houses.

He pointed to the lands circled above.

"In addition to the two mountains, I plan to leave a hundred acres of land around the house, and the 500 acres of land on Fatty Qian's side. These 600 acres of land must be close together."

"This is very important . , because it is a place for dogs to play and run."

"Also, if I want to grow vegetables, the aisle in the middle needs to be wider, preferably more than five meters. Of course, this is the main road, and I also think that the narrow aisles are the best. It's more than two meters, Mr. Yao, can you understand what I mean?"

Of course Yao Guanglin understood, leaving 600 acres for dogs to roam, and the wide aisles must also be convenient for dog patrols.

It seems that the security of these two manors really depends on these dogs.

But these dogs don't look anything special. They are just ordinary wolfdogs that look very fierce.

But what he found was not bad, but why are all the military and police dogs that have received systematic training so cowardly?

He took a deep breath.

"Of course I know, that's no problem at all. Then I'll just make an X-shaped main road for the aisles, just from the two hundred acres of land here to the edge of the other side of Boss Qian's manor, and then there's another main road. "As for the remaining trails, how about making them into squares for every five acres?"

Tang Ming nodded, "No problem."

"By the way, I hope to leave about fifteen to two acres on the edge of the manor." A distance of ten meters is provided for dogs to circle around, and the scent left behind can deter many things that want to sneak in,"

or people who come to steal food.

There was nothing Yao Guanglin refused to agree to, "That's no problem at all!"

No matter how many requests Tang Ming made, he readily agreed.

After Tang Ming finished speaking, he glanced at Tang Tianlan.

Tang Tianlan smiled at him and said, "You are very thoughtful."

Yao Guanglin felt like he had seen a ghost when he saw his smile.

Fortunately, he had strong self-control and didn't show any expressions he shouldn't have.

However, Qian Duobei already looked like he was used to it.

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