Confessions and Concerns - Chapter 26

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We sit on the bench at the side of the pitch. I try to slow my breathing slightly by focusing on Spitfire restarting the game in the distance, directing the team in a true leaders fashion. But, my breathing continues in its speedy pace despite my best efforts to control it.

Coach let's put a heavy sigh, "Rainbow. . ." He starts.

'Here we go' I think, dreading the next few moments of my existence.

". . .I know it can be hard. Struggling with something you have no control over, even when you think you do." He continues.

"I'm aware that Fire has told you about—"

"She has." He cuts me off. "And don't think I don't understand you Dash, I do."

What was he talking about? How does he understand, I thought nobody did.

"What do you mean, coach?" I ask.

"I had the same problems as you. I was an alcoholic."

My eyes widen at his statement. Coach was usually somewhat mysterious, he has never been one to open up like this. I feel perplexed, surprised and touched by his words.

"I've only recently tried to deal with it. It does get easier, Rainbow. You've just gotta hang in there."

I take a moment to digest his words.

"It does?" I reply, innocently unsure.

"Mhm. With time." He nods.

I have noticed, along with Spitfire, coach's aggression die down a bit, not that he was overly aggressive before, but he has recently adopted a slightly calmer approach to our training, an approach which I enjoy.

Perhaps that had something to do with controlling his drinking? Perhaps it'll work in the same way for me. Maybe I do just need to be patient.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened back there, coach. I'll try to get a hold of myself, I-I really will." I stutter my words, opening myself up to him as he has done for me.

"I know you will, Rainbow. You're determined, much like how I was at your age." He places his hand on my shoulder sympathetically, showing his commiseration. "You're a fantastic player, Dash. Which is why I want you to know that you can always come and talk to me if you ever need to talk."

I smile at coach's words. He displays a supportive smile in conjunction with mine.

"Thank you, coach. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime." He taps my shoulder twice.

Coach has always had a special place in my heart. He's like a mentor to me, and I look up to him a lot.

I know it might be wrong, but I've always kinda liked how he favours me over the rest of the team. I mean, nobody has ever really treated me like that in my entire life. In high school and college, the teachers all hated me, even if they'd never say it upfront, I knew they did. They'd always call me out if I was even just a few minutes late to class, they'd make me the one who gets in trouble, even if I was half of a talking pair, they'd constantly say that I was "distracting the other students", in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they purposely graded me lower on tests because of all of this. It was so dumb. So now, having someone like coach who appreciates my skills, realises my athletic potential and treats me as such, feels awesome. Like, for once, I'm actually respected rather than treated like a stupid annoying child.

Coach continues, "How about you head home early today, Dash. Get yourself some rest for tomorrow's game."

"You're still gonna let me play tomorrow?" I reply with surprise and relief.

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