A Call Apart - Chapter 24

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"Yello. . ." her face drops all of a sudden, ". . .what. . .just calm down. . .let me explain. . ."

AJ walks over to the bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as she holds the phone to her ear. I rush after her, sitting on the bed beside her. She looks as though she is in incredible distress.

"Mac, why are you freakin' out? . .but I--. . .Mac. . .Mac, you're not letting me speak. . ."

So she was speaking to Big Mac? Or, I guess, shouting at him.

". . .at Rainbow's. . .yeah, Rainbow Dash. . .what do you mean I have to come back?"

He wants her to go back? Like, to Sweet Apple Acres? I'm so confused. . .and worried. I really don't want AJ to go back. . .not now.

". . .but I'm here for a break. . .I need a rest, Mac. . .you can't just say that. . .I thought you said I could stay in Canterlot for a while. . .I don't understand. . ."

She looks flustered as she gets up from the bed and starts to pace around the room. I walk up to her, hearing faint murmurings from Big Mac over the phone, he sounds as though he's shouting. I tap AJ on the shoulder and shrug, non-verbally asking her to explain the situation she seems to be caught up in.

She cups the phone's speaker with her hand as she looks at me, "It's Big Mac, he wants me to come back to Sweet Apple Acres immediately but he's not telling me why."

Why wouldn't he tell her? Was this the universe trying to tell me how much it hates me or what? I can't let AJ go, I can't. I mean, if she goes now, how do I know how long it'll be until she comes back? I could go so all the AA meetings in the world, get all the external help possible, but if AJ left me, I have no idea what I'd do. There would be no one here for me to love, nobody to rely on.

I feel a rising anger inside me, an anger I need to let out. I'm not too sure why I feel so infuriated all of a sudden, the thought of AJ leaving just made me feel so. . .unprotected, I guess my head is used to feeling those two emotions at the same time. Often if I am angry, I'm usually letting it out alone. A way for me to let my emotions out, my guard down completely, a kind of freedom I usually love. But this time, I hate the feeling. I try to push it down as much as possible, my heart rate increasing rapidly causing my chest to tighten.

Oh God, I'm driving myself insane. . .

I have to do something.

AJ puts the phone back up to her ear, "Mac, listen to me, I--"

Before she could continue, I grab the phone from AJ. My grip is tight, any tighter and it feels as though the phone would crush in my hand. AJ attempts to take her phone back, but my rage-fueled strength leaves her with no chance in stopping me.

My anger finally releases as I say, raising my voice slightly, "What makes you think you can tell her what to do?"

"Dash, what are you doing!" AJ says, at a quieter volume than mine, still attempting to retrieve her phone as she reaches her hands up at me, frantically.

A pause is held as Big Mac notices the change in voice over the phone, realising he is no longer speaking to his sister, ". . .Rainbow, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. Why are you ordering AJ around? What's your deal?" I reply sternly, demanding answers out of him.

"I'm not ordering her around, what are you on about? Put Applejack back on--"

"No, I'm talking to you now. Tell me what's going on." AJ continues to fight for the phone, so I push her back by holding my hand up to her forehead. She scowls at my motion.

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