Rise and Fall - Chapter 25

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Our pace slowly comes to a halt.

I look the CFC training center up and down. I haven't been back for about a week now, probably the longest amount of time I've gone without training. I knew coach favoured me over the others, but to give me 7 days off to recover a week before our game was really special. To be honest, I think we both knew that even if he'd given me a month off, I'd still come back to practice at the exact same skill level that when I left, better even. I don't tend to lose my mojo easily. Nevertheless, it was comforting to have his support, though, no support was more comforting to have than AJ's.

"You sure you're gonna be alright?" AJ asks.

I breathe in, then out, "Yeah. I'll be okay. . .don't worry about me." AJ senses the slight anxiety in my tone.

"Stop saying that. I can't help if I worry, even when I know you'll be alright."

A moment passes between us as we silently look into each other's eyes, "I don't deserve you." I say.

"Oh but you do. More than you'll ever understand. You deserve the world." She speaks delicately, her words as smooth as butter.

I pull the girl into a hug, I feel snug in her arms as we hold our positions. I lean back for a second, giving myself some space to plant a kiss on her lips. The embrace only lasts a moment, but a moment is all that is needed for any nerves I had about revisiting the training center to float away. "Thank you," I mutter as we pull away simultaneously.

"Sunset's picking you up tonight cause' I promised Pinkie I'd help her make some apple pies for an event. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Are you sure? I can always tell her I'm busy if--"

"AJ, it's fine." I chuckle at the spiralling girl, wondering for a second if this is what I sound like when I get myself wound-up. If so, I must sound hilarious.


It's 4pm now, we've been training since 7am, so understandably, we're all exhausted.

Our day has been nicely paced out between breaks, but even so, by body feels like jelly. We're coming towards the end of our 30 minute break, one of our last of the day. I'm sat with Spitfire, Gilda and our other friend Derpy on the staircase inside. Spitfire has her arm around Gilda, an adorable sight that makes me miss AJ even more than I already do.

"Anyone wanna ditch with me, I'm totally out of it." I groan, making the others laugh.

"For fucks sake, RD. Our game's tomorrow! If we can get through it, you definitely can." Spitfire replies, entertained by my needless groaning.

I repeat my groan, a slightly less exaggerated one. I feel better knowing that I'll have my friends to encourage me.

All of a sudden, Derpy's water spills all over her as she brings her bottle to her mouth. She was always the clumsier type in the team, so this kind of thing happened quite a lot to her, though she would always laugh it off. We all giggle with her as she scrambles to screw the top back onto her bottle. Gilda quickly grabs some tissues out of her bag and helps Derpy soak the water stains from her zip up. Or at least they were trying to; to me it just looked like aggressive dabbing.

"How the hell did you manage that Derpy!" I say in between laughs.

"I just don't know what went wrong!" Derpy replies as amused at the conundrum as we are.

In the background of our laughter, I hear steps approaching.

"Want some help?" The voice says. All four of us turn to the voice at the same time, finding the voice to be that of Lightning Dust's. Our laughter stops at her presence. . .in fact, everything seems to stop. I stare directly at the girl, fragments of lost memories of the party returning to me in fuzzy flashes. Remembering our kiss, remembering her drunken idiocracy, remembering how it all made AJ feel.

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