An Honest Apple - Chapter 12

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Rainbow's POV

It was another long day of training.

We had our match coming up so coach made us spend all day doing practice matches and friendlies rather than any weight training and conditioning in the gym. A different way of training than we'd usually do, yet one thing hadn't changed, I was still spending the whole day thinking about AJ.

I was so excited for our date yesterday, but I blew it. I even requested to leave practice 4 hours early yesterday just so I could spend more time with AJ, coach allowed me to just this once. We left the karaoke place not long after my stupid act of impulse and things were kinda awkward between us for the first time. I'm not surprised to be honest, she must think the worst of me now. I messed everything up completely.

I really thought we felt the same way about each other, I mean, in my defence, she did seem to lean into the kiss to start with, but that's no excuse for me to have followed through. I felt not only dumb, hoping we both wanted the same thing, but ashamed.  I should've said something, or done something , I don't know. . .Fuck, I'm such an idiot. . .

It's about 7pm now and we are in the middle of our last match of the day, the score of this match being 1 all. The darkness of the night illuminated by the bright lights surrounding the soccer field and the warm evening breeze washing in. I run across the field, the ball under me feet as I dash at top speed towards the other end of the field. Although my body is completely worn out from at the running and kicking coach has had us do all day, my brain seems to be on top form, continuing to think about how last night could've gone so much better if I just hadn't given into my desires.

"RD, over here!" Spitfire shouts, noticing at the same time as me that a player from the other team was quickly advancing towards me.

I perfectly pass the ball to Fire, who catches it with her feet and begins racing towards the goal, I race with her from further up the field, being tailed by one of the members of the visiting MFL, the Manehattan team.

Fire closes into the goal, preparing to make the final kick of the day and win us the match, until she gets suddenly blocked by two of the Manehattan players. In a bind, Fire looks around at the players who aren't blocked by anyone, me being one of them as I run as fast as I can towards the goal.

"Fire, pass!" I yell.

Fire passes the ball to me as I continue to run, the other player speedily drawing closer towards me. Suddenly, the ball appears in front of me, just above my right foot. With no other choice, I kick the ball up into the air, as if the world was suddenly moving in slow motion, and strike the ball at its centre. I watch keenly as it heads towards the goal, the goalkeeper leaping towards my shot as it's about to reach the net, but he was fortunately too late. I made the goal.

"And that's game!" shouted coach, a pleased look on his face.

I raised my arms in the air in victory as the rest of my team ran up to me, piling themselves on top of me while screaming and shouting in celebration of our win, Fire, Lightning, Soarin and Gilda being the first to reach me and therefore the only people I was really hugging.

"Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!" the team started to chant my name.

Their love for me right then showing me just how much I love playing soccer, how much I loved the release it gave me. So much so that, for a brief moment, all my negative thoughts of yesterday seem to briefly leave my mind.


I walk out of the building having collected my things from the locker room. I had changed out of my soccer kit and back into my jeans and tee but my hair was still wet from my shower, a towel was wrapped around my neck to stop the water dripping down to much. It's been a long day and I am definitely ready to catch some much needed Z's.

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