My Head Or My Heart - Chapter 11

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Applejack's POV

"So, AJ. . .I was thinking. . .do you want to go do something fun tomorrow night, just me and you? I'd love to take you out for something to eat, if you're up for it?" Rainbow asks.

I guess my inscesent flirting all day must have worked.

Talking yesterday with Sunset made me open my eyes. She could clearly see how I felt about the girl even when I didn't even realise how much I was going on about her. Looking back, I couldn't keep her name out of my mouth, Sunset knew that I liked her before I'd come to accept it myself. . .and I think she's right. I think the reason I said I wasn't ready when Rainbow said she still had feelings for me back on the statue was because I hadn't had any time to decide myself. But I think now that I have.

I decided to go to bed earlier than usual last night, no, not because I was tired, but because I wanted some time alone to think. Since I've reunited with Rainbow,  I haven't had any time at all to sit with myself and consider, truthfully, how I feel. So, I lay on Rainbows bed for about 3 hours, staring up at the ceiling and thinking, harder than I ever have before. I just lay there in complete silence while Sunset was watching some horror movie, before Rainbow came back and I had to pretend I'd been asleep the whole time. . .I must sound crazy.

I don't know whether it was the kindness she's shown to me the past few days, or how much I missed her free spirit and her addictive overactiveness or whether I had just missed having her back in my life. But, after hours of alone time with my thoughts, it was hard to dispute the fact that I did like the girl. . .a lot. 

Not to ignore the obvious fact that she was insanely attractive. . .I missed that too. But to be honest, I think my flirting today proved that. I'm not usually one for flirting or anything, but I guess Rainbow does a lot of things to me that I don't think I'll ever quite understand.

I would prefer to take things slower with her if we were to date though, simply because I really would want it to work out and I'm not one for rushing so quickly into things as Rainbow is. Although, a date with her does sound nice. It actually might be exactly what I need. Plus, it would mean I get to stare into her gorgeous eyes, and how could I say no to that?

"I'd like that Dash. I'd like that a lot."


Last night flew by so fast. 

Fluttershy ended up coming over and all four of us played Mario Kart, one of Sunset's personal favourites in her extensive video game collection. 

Dash wasn't too bad at video games, but Sunset was really good. Flutters was surprisingly amazing at the game, making Sunset infuriated since this was Fluttershy's first time ever playing. Rainbow and I laughed to each other most of the time during their matches, both of us finding Fluttershy's amazing racing gradually making Sunset more and more irritated hilarious. I was alright at the game but it only had half of my attention. The other half was drawn towards the rainbow-haired girl who had specifically chose to sit right beside me. I couldn't help but sneak glances at how incredibly adorable she looked when she was hyper focused on trying to beat each one of us in the game, especially when she was racing me.

We decided to order pizza and the three of us called it a night at 3am or so, Fluttershy leaving at about 11pm.

This morning I had slept in, a later night last night leaving me wanting a longer sleep. I got out of bed at 1pm with nothing else planned for the day apart from my date with Rainbow who had already gotten out of bed and headed off to her early soccer practice which, as she informed me yesterday, ended earlier than usual today, at 4:00 instead of the usual 8:00.

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