c3. Pinkie's Unwanted Surprise

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Rainbow's POV

As I turned the corner, my heart started racing. It was AJ; AJ was standing there. The girl who I've waited for so long to see. I stood there for a moment, Sunset by my side, as my eyes found their way, staring deeply into AJ's. She reciprocated my stare. The silence grew—the heavy kind of silence, a silence where there is so much that needs to be said, so much that needs to be settled, and yet nobody even attempts to open their mouth. A frozen battlefield.

I haven't heard much about AJ since. . .well. . .since the incident. I tried to reach out to her after it happened, but she blocked me from her phone, and I didn't think I was too welcome at the farm, so I haven't really heard anything at all about her. Come to think of it, she probably hasn't heard much about me either. She probably doesn't know how much I've changed, and with the slouchy shirt tucked into my baggy jeans I picked out to wear this morning, how could she? I look exactly the same as I always have. She, however, wore a very attractive pair of low-waisted jeans, as if she were teasing me. God, she looked gorgeous. She always did.

After a silence held for longer than it probably should have, Pinkie manages to break the ice.

"Soooo, how's everyone finding the event so far?"

Nobody moved. AJ's eyes were still locked onto mine.

"D-Darling, you've done a fantastic job as always! Could I speak to you for a minute? Over here?" Rarity notices Pinkie's clear lack of enlightenment and drags her to one side for a chat. The rest of us still stood in silence.

"Does anyone else think she's gone a little over the top?" All four of us chuckle slightly as Sunset jokes to break the silence. Thank god someone did. . .

"For Pinkie? Nope. If anything, this is understated in her books." AJ replies as she suddenly sparks up. "I-I'm awful sorry. Where are my manners? How are y'all doin'?" AJ hugs both Sunset and me. I didn't expect AJ to be so cheerful, and by the bewildered look on her face, I don't think she did either.

Sunset and I exchanged a look.

'Maybe she's forgiven us?' We both thought simultaneously.

"We're doing astonishing!" I said, way too loudly.

'Astonishing? What the fuck? Pull it together, Rainbow.' I thought immediately.

"Ah. . .o-ok. . ." AJ said, confused due to my obvious nervous demeanour.

What is going on? Usually, I'm totally able to keep my cool. On game days, coach tells us that if we ever get nervous, we should plant our feet as deeply into the ground as possible. Make that all you think about, sinking further and further into the ground. It wasn't working. I started sweating and fidgeting, my hands shaking. Sunset noticed my discomfort. She's been staying with me for about a year and a half now, so by now she can tell when I'm about to have a panic attack.

"Actually, guys, if it's ok, Rainbow and I wanted to. . .grab some food. . .from over there. We'll only be a minute." Sunset excused us as fast as she could.

"No problem, take your time." AJ looked at me solemnly, as if she could also tell that I was having an attack.

Sunset walked me over to the nearest bar, where she bought me a bottle of water that I drank rapidly under her direction.

"Breathe, Dash. You'll be okay." Sunset reassured.

"Did you know she was coming?"

"I had no idea."

I continued to gulp down my water. The drink calmed down my nerves; well, it was either that or being away from AJ, I can't tell.

"Fucking hell, Pinkie. Way to suggest a reunion. . ." I said in all truth. She brought it up a few weeks ago, a reunion. To be honest though, I thought she was joking. She knows that if I had it my way, I would've reunited with AJ and the old gang ages ago, but whether they would have agreed to meet with us is a different story. From what I remember, AJ hates my guts. Maybe she doesn't show it, but trust me, she hates me. Sunset as well, but especially me. And I've never forgiven myself for what I did to her. She's all I've thought about since. . .you know. Yes, I've finally received my permanent placement on the official Canterlot soccer team, move out, been having Sunset stay with me, and finally started working on my sobriety, but it still feels like, even through all of this, all I've been thinking about is AJ. Seeing her again, hanging out like we used to, getting back together. . .

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