Ur in trouble now. Part 2

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A few months ago:

Everyone was chattering like normal before the start of class. After all it was the last period of the day on a Friday. At that point of the day no one really cared to pay attention or do any of the work, only the nerds still cared to listen to what the teacher had to say. This said class in particular was Miss Emily's history class and as expected no one wanted to listen to Miss Emily ramble on about how Napoleon was very obviously apart of the skittle squad.

However today was different, Everyone was surprisingly settled that day. Well, everyone apart from the bullies who were snickering and throwing paper airplanes around the classroom like they normally would.

Just as the Bell rung, Miss Emily came in the room with another teacher behind her. The 'Mystery' teacher caught everyone's attention almost immediately, apart from the fact that she had white hair and appeared have the horns of a ram, a fountain pen where her right hand should of been and a little taller than Miss Emily, she looked identical to her. Even the bullies shut up (for once).

The two stood at the front of the classroom, Miss Emily looked like she was going to explode given the excitement on her face. Meanwhile, the what was obviously a new teacher stood timidly next to her trying not to look absolutely petrified. It was obvious she was >.<

Miss Emily: Alright class, nice to know your already somewhat settled because I have some great new for all of you all :D

All of a sudden a wave of whispers started to fly about the room, everyone chattering amongst themselves trying to predict what could of got Miss Emily all giddy. Normally she would spend the first 5 minutes of the lesson just bullying the ever living fu out of everyone.

Hesha: Did Miss Bloomie get hit by a bus then roll into a ditch filled with spiders then jump out of the ditch like Mario then got yeated by Eren Yeager into a plane and then get into a plane crash onto north sentinel island then get sacrificed by a bunch of crazy tribes people :3

Miss Emily: Erm.. No she's fine.

Hesha: Darn it

Miss Emily: What I actually wish to share with you all is that your gonna have a new teacher taking over some of your History lessons and also start to teach you guys some Geography cause you guys can't point out Magix on a bloody map.

Kevin: Erm, actually*snort* Magix isn't a *snort* real place Miss Emily *snort

Miss Emily: Shut the fuck up Kevin it's real to me.

The teacher next to her started to giggle to herself as Miss Emily tried to compose herself again. This promised to be a fun class.

Miss Emily: Anyways, lets give a warm welcome to my little half sister Ms Emily :D

Ms Emil: Hi everybody, you can calm me Ms Emil, I wouldn't want you guys to get too confused.

Miss Emily: Yeah thanks for clarifying that, like can you believe that these morons still think 2+2 is 4. Honestly there so stupid.

Zip: Yeah it's 8, everyone knows that !

Kevin: Ermmmm Actually *snort* 2+2 IS 4, you two just stupid bean burritos

Zip and Miss Emily in unison: Kys Kevin.

Almost on queue, The door to the classroom burst open, to reveal Miss Circle big as Christmas tree looking self to everyone's surprise. They literally just had to sit though a double period of maths, they really didn't want to see that Oreo muncher at the moment.

Miss Circle: Wag one gang, A little birdie told me yall nonces got a new teacher am I right lads or am I right lads.

Miss Circle turned to Ms Emil who seemed to be caught of guard by her new colleagues sudden appearance, Up until now she hadn't even met any other teacher apart from, Miss Grace, Miss Thavel, Miss Joy and of course her 'half' sister Miss Emily. She had heard from them that Miss Circle was tall, but she didn't expect her to be like what? 7ft? 8ft? 9FT? For goodness sake she had to bend down to even fit through the door.

Before she could even say a word or for a matter of fact even react, Miss Circle somehow managed to get from the door and then right in her face?

Miss Circle: Damn, your really leng, you must get bare feet pics and that.

Ms Emil: Well, umm.. I don't really o.o

Miss Circle: Don't play with me gurl i just had the best wank i've had in a while and I wanna make new friends cause Miss Bloomie has fuckin rabies and won't stop bitin me. So your black arse is coming with me, u 'ear me mate.

Ms Emil: Can I atleast teach get to know my new class :(

Miss Circle: Nuh uh, I wanna know what that fountain pen do.

Miss Circle lifted Ms Emil who was now more confused than scared was dragged away, out of the classroom, by the leg. Up until that moment everyone was just kinda watching the whole thing. Miss Emily had to just watch as her sis got dragged away by Miss Circle.

Miss Emily: For fucks sake. Why is Miss Circle like this all the bloody time.

Kevin: Hehe *snort* looks like our new teacher Ms *snort* Emil is in trouble *snort* Miss Circle is a really bad *snort* influence.

Oliver: Yeah no shit sherlock go drink bleach or smth your so annoying >:(

Suddenly like a demented owl, Oliver turned his head 180 degrees to Zip and silently whispered... BombamwalalalalaFyolainationforlife

Zip: Oliver stop saying weird shit please.


Zip: *sigh* Fine :/

Zip the proceeded to pull out an AK-47 from his bag and then shot Kevin in the head.

Miss Emily: Why do I do this to myself -_-
Btw, At this point in time my oc Ms Emil didn't have the trench coat. Sorry to anyone who imagined her with the trench coat at this point in time. :) Miss Emily and Ms Emil twinning fr

Now enjoy my drawing of young Miss Circle in Kaaaties not paper artstyle.

Now enjoy my drawing of young Miss Circle in Kaaaties not paper artstyle

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She kinda looks like Gregory tf 

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