Required Pratical Part.1

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It was just another day at school. A very bland
day for that matter. Anyone could tell that Oliver, Zip and Edward just seemed to be inching to carry out another big prank. But on who? They were all stuck in a disgustingly boring double period of science with Miss Bloomie.

They couldn't care less about whatever Miss Bloomie was rambling on about at the front of the classroom.

Oliver: Who really gives a shit about how alkali metals react with water, It's nit mike we'll actually need to know this -_-

Oliver had slumped into his seat, he was very clearly not paying attention to Edward who seemed a little too invested in what Miss Bloomie had to say.
Zip ,who had been doodling away in her notebook, stopped just to stare puzzled at Edwards devious expression.

Zip: Edward what the hell are you thinking about?
Bro seemed to be in his own little world unfortunately. So Zip did what she knew best and slapped Edward on the back of the head with a mouldy block of cheese ^^
It must of caught Edwards attention cause he screamed like a dying whale afterwards.

The whole class turned towards The group of bullies.
She burst out laughing and it started a chain reaction with Liana and Skell giggling to themselves.



Oliver: Hey don't diss soap, Its actually very tasty you should try it sometime ;)

Bubble looked visibly uncomfortable by the little squabble. Miss Bloomie who had been standing at the front of the classroom just observing the little argument unfold swiftly stabbed her desk where she always would whenever the students got too loud. It always worked and this time was no exception because everyone quickly shut up and went back to taking notes.

Oliver however just got an idea! :D

Oliver: Zip, Edward, I know what were going to do today >:D.
Oliver looked gleefully at his friends, surprising considering he looked like a zombie not even a minute ago.

Zip: Wait have you finally come up with an idea from an awesome prank :O.

Oliver: Yep ^^, Heres how its gonna go. Zip you still have your darts ?
Zip quickly scavenged through her bag untill he grabbed a bag filled with darts, all labeled regarding what they did, She lifted it up just enough so that it was in view of her friends but not to anyone else.

Zip: Of cause I do! I could never forget them >:D. What do u need me to do?

Oliver: Im gonna need you to shoot Miss Bloomie with the dart so she falls asleep. Then we all carry her to the pool and dunk her into the pool!
Edward rolled his eyes at Olivers proposal. Compared to the stuff They group had done in the past this was by far the most boring prank he's come up with. Still scribbling down some notes he turned to look at Oliver's face that looked he was about burst out laughing but was actively stopping himself.

Edward: Really hope that's not it cause that sounds really bland for a prank. -.-

Oliver: Edward let me finish >:( Once shes in, were gonna get someone to bring a bunch of Cesium and dump it in the Pool so it explodes :D

Cleary she was very shocked about that.

Oliver: Yeah dumb dumb, don't worry she shouldn't get too hurt i don't think. (It will most definitely hurt)

Edward: You don't think ? Does this school even have Ceasium in storage? Even if it does how will we get it and whos gonna being it?

Oliver: I know theres Ceasium in storage i've seen it and we can slip the keys of Miss Bloomie once she out cold ^^. As for who's bringing it...

Oliver looked around the classroom to see if there would be anyone willing to  through with his crazy plan.

Oliver: What about Liana?

Zip: Oliver she's a goodie goodie. She would NEVER do that!
Zip scoffed at Oliver as if he had just said the dumbest thing in the world. Liana was that one girl that just always seemed to be doing the right thing.

Oliver: You forget the Liana isn't on good terms with Miss Bloomie right now. Dont you remember last week Miss Bloomie tried to off her for the Physics score and only got out of it because Ms Emily intervienned? Im sure she will be wanting to get back at her for cutting her favourite blazer.

Edward: No, No he's got a point. Plus If Miss Grace see's her she's less likely to get in trouble :) Also I just realised Hesha never sent me the video of that.

Oliver: You can ask her later we got a prank to execute >:D. And if Miss Grace sees us and asks what were going with Miss Bloomies unconscious body, we can just say we're carrying out a chemistry required practical and Miss Bloomie fell asleep.

Zip: Oliver you are a GENIUS!!

Oliver: I know right, Now lets see if Liana will help us :3


I know I said one shots but I'm splitting this into 3 or 2 parts or else this is gonna get too long.
Now enjoy skibidi Oliver

 Now enjoy  skibidi Oliver

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