Required Pratical Part.2

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Liana already knew where it was coming from and wasn't really in the mood to hear anything that those 3 bullies had to say. After all they all smelt like dandruff and greasy mcdonalds cheeseburgers. Although she was curious too know what they wanted.
After all she was very knowledgeable when it came to chemistry and people would often ask her to help with questions since they were too scared to ask Miss Bloomie.

Reluctantly she turned around the bully table to see Oliver, Zip and Edward snickering.

Liana: What the hell do you baboons want now.
You could tell by the tone in her voice she really didn't care for what dies wash up, dry ass swamp crocodiles had to say. Nevertheless, She kept an open mind thinking maybe they finally decided to start learning something. About time. The only one actually passing in their friend group was Oliver. You couldn't really say the same for the rest of them monkeys.

Oliver: I know this is gonna seem a bit strange but I think Miss Bloomie is going to 'fall asleep' soon, when that happens could u please please PLEEEASSE take her keys, get as much caesium from the storage cabinet as you can and bring it to the pool pretty please with a cherry on top :3.

Well that's not suspicious at all.

Liana: You guys pulling another prank or smth, what's in it for me._.

Edward: You know how Miss Bloomie attacked you a few weeks ago and almost sliced your arm off in the process?
Liana eye twitched, she still hadn't really mentally or physically from Miss Bloomies vicious attack. She would of been a goner if Ms Emily didn't get involved. Now she seemed more interested in what they had to say.

Edward: Consider this a little bit of payback for what she did. Plus If we get caught we won't rat you out as an accomplice!! So your are you in.

The group stared with gleeful anticipation at Liana who now looked lost in thought.

Liana: That's all you had to say!!! :D IM INNN

In a hurry Oliver napped his neck 180 degrees to turn to Zip. In a menacing tone he screeched... BombamwlalalalaFyolainationforlife.

Zip: What the fuck


Zip: Ah shi my bag g
In a hurry Zip rummaged through her bag of darts and picked out the tranquilliser dart, aimed and fired it at Miss Bloomie using her brand new Ak-47 she pulled out of Edwards ass.

The dart hit her right in the eye causing her to slam her head on the desk completely unconscious. (I know tranquilliser darts don't do that but idgaf). The whole class turned to the front to see there teacher head down on the desk.

No one really cared tbh they just starting doing there own thing (free period yay :D).
Now the Bully's could spring into action and execute there totally legal prank ^^

Oliver: Right, Liana get the keys We gotta do this quick! Zippy zap and Edward the II your with me!!

Zip, Oliver and Edward galloped to the front of the classroom swirling around like ballerinas and somehow got the strength the carry a grown adult (She's just a midget). Liana being more calm and composed took the key out of her pocket to collect the explody stuff.

In the hallway, It was disturbingly quiet, Maybe because everyone was in a lesson, perchance.
Edward: Oliver im tired :(

By the time they got to the pool they were all exhausted but Oliver being the alpha was looking loki fresh fr. (He stubbed his toe on the door and got a little ouchie, perchance)

Edward being the absolute nerd he is managed to get the pool to open up. They would of thrown Miss Bloomie but they were all to tired so they just kinda kicked her in the pool cause thats normal.

All of a sudden Liana burst through the door with a huge container of dull rocks contained in oil. She was panting obviously out of breath. Perchance

Liana: Guys *huff* I got the *disgustingly long weeze* Ceasium. what now!!

Oliver being the alpha of the pack gracefully walked up to Liana like a dying cow and picked up the container (It was very heavy because of the oil he was very much in pain)

Oliver: Why is there so much oil?

Liana: Well I mean ceasium is really rea-

All of a sudden the window at the top of the pool room broke and a strange man with sunglasses came through the window. He had Red strippes all over him and was holding a happy meal.


Oliver: no no NO NOO


Everyone collectively screamed as this fat greasy guy started crawling on the ceiling and walls towards the small group of students. It was so load the Miss Bloomie actually woke up.

Miss Bloomie: WHERE TF AM I???

Oliver: AH SHI
In a hurry he took the container, opened it and dumped it in the pool.

The commontion had attracted Miss Grace to the scene.
Miss Grace: Good Heavens what is this tomfoolery going on in my instit-


Ahh shi ma badMiss Circle was actually behind Miss Grace when the whole room kinda just exploded

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Ahh shi ma bad
Miss Circle was actually behind Miss Grace when the whole room kinda just exploded. The whole room was destroyed and Miss Bloomie was kinda laying at the bottom of the now half empty pool looking lifeless.

The greasy American guy left too and so did Liana cause she was no where to be seen.

Miss Circle: Erm what the Sigma

Miss Grace: You hooligans better explain yourself >:(
Im not ok

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