Required Practical (Last Part)

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The Pool now was in absolute shambles, The entire room looked like a bomb had gone off in there and arguable. Something like that had happened. The school nurse Miss Joy (I came up with this Oc on the spot) had coincidentally called in sick that day so there was no one to tend to Miss Bloomies very bad wounds. (Deserved it). While Miss Bloomie was carried away to the Infirmary by Miss Circle. Zip, Oliver and Edward were escorted to the Principals office by Miss Grace who was now in a proper fummin mood.

The three mischievous students where now sitting in Miss Grace's office were all giggling amongst themselves meanwhile Miss Grace who was staring out the window while standing looked as if she was about to bust a vein.

The very obvious bang the explosion made attracted a lot of attention. Students and teachers alike were now funnelling out of there classrooms to see what could cause such a ruckus. I guess none of them expected to see a good chunk of the pool room decimated.

Miss Thavel was in a middle of a speaking exam with her students so although she found the whole ordeal quite amusing. The fact her speaking exams had to postponed annoyed her.
Just wait till she too found it Miss Bloomie got caught up in it all.

She really didn't want to deal with all that.

Nevertheless she kept her cool and sat down in her spiny chair, taking a very, veerrrrrrrrrrrry deep breath as she did so.

Miss Grace: So (she paused to look each and every one of them dead in the eyes.) What made you hooligans think any of this was a good idea.

You could tell buy her voice she was frustrated. If it wasn't against the law she would of beat them with a wooden chair. She also refused to stoop down to those teachers level.

The three bully stayed quiet although there was so cackling.

Miss Grace: Well >:(

Edward: It was Olivers idea



Edward: You literally pulled out an AK-47 and shot her in the head, or was it the shoulder?

Miss Grace: WHY DO YOU HAVE AN AK-47???

Zip: I found it on the floor :(

Miss Grace: THIS ISN'T CHICAGO, How the FUK did you find a Ak-47 AND WHY DID U BRING IT TO SCHOOL???

Zip: Cause i wanna shoot up the school, (points gun at Miss Grace) Get down on the ground.

All of a sudden the office door opened Miss Circle pocked her big head through.

Miss Circle: Oi sup gang whats poppin up in here.

Edward: Miss Grace is fr

Miss Circle: You what mate

Zip shit Miss Grace in the head and now she dead af

Miss Circle: Ngl this non of ma business good day mate.

Miss Circle left the room but not before stealing the secret stash of oreos that Miss Grace would hide away from her. (real)

Oliver: You're not actually gonna shoot up the school right?

Zip: Yeah... Totally.

The 3 students then casually left the office like nothing happened and went back to the now chaotic science class. Mist of the students just went home early or were taking pictures of the destroyed pool room just for the memories and shi.

Liana was sitting in the room reading her favourite book Crime and Punishment. Kinda just waiting to see if the group would return. When she did she sprung up from her seat and went up them.

Liana: So how much trouble are you guys in? Did you mention me??

Oliver: Nah we good.

Zip: Yeah totally. :) HeHeHehehehe...

Liana: You know what im going to sleep, that stanky greasy smell of that random American is stuck in my nose and now I feel like im gonna throw up. Im never eating maccies again.

Zip: Ight cool :))

And they all lived happily ever after! Meanwhile Miss Bloomie had to get her legs amputated and now she looks like this.

And they all lived happily ever after! Meanwhile Miss Bloomie had to get her legs amputated and now she looks like this

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Cool prosthetics ngl.
Im too tired for this.

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