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It had been a long day at Paper school. A Maths, Physics, History and French test all in one day was ABSOLUTELY DIABOLICAL (guess which subject was sacrificed).

Zip, Oliver and Edward were completely knackered from the amount of brains that had to be used that day. It was simply too much for a Friday. At least tomorrow was the weekend 😭🙏.  However even with all the mental pain they had to be subjected to, The bully trio didn't want to go home.

(Either it was because of the fact that there town got over run by a bunch of ugly monokumas or the fact that Miss Bloomie got shanked on the way home last week after stepping one foot into the neighbourhood is still up for debate 😝😝😝😝)

Oliver sat outside on the damp concrete floor seemingly in a daze. Zip and Edward either side of him trying to figure out why he was on the floor in the first.

Zip: Dawg get the FUCK OFF THE FLOOR U 6B PENCIL🤬‼️‼️‼️
Zip screached in frustration. They had been standing there for 30 mins and Oliver was just frozen for that diabolical amount of time.

Oliver looked up solumnly at Zip.
Oliver: Dawg i failed all those tests im cooked :(

All of them.

Dumbass. 😐

Edward: How can thy muse whom i've known since the Earth was birthed from the Lords fruitful bossom could tho art fumble at such a criminal degree. Hath tho done something to upset the gods?

Oliver: I DON'T KNOW DAWG. None of the topics I was good at decided to come up in the DUMB TESTS.  I don't even care that I flopped History its the OTHERS.

Zip: You should care about History. Miss Emily wouldn't try anything to rash, she would bully the absolute living hell out of you though. MS EMIL on the other hand would lynch you and have Miss Thavel, Circle and Bloomie wak you like a pinyata for her amusement. Your COOKED lil bro💀🙏

Edward: Woe, Woe, Woe to you my dearest friend. May God have mercy on your weary soul 😖.

Oliver sighed, He really did try his best, unfortunately his best wasnt good enough and now he wouldn't be able to see Alice ag-

Wait a hot minute

BRAIN BLAST ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Oliver: Um guys.

Both Zip and Edward looked at Oliver with curiosity. He probably wanted them to plan his funeral for them.

Edward: What is thou query dearest Oliver?

Oliver: It's not a question I just realised something...


Oliver: Well. I just remembered I don't actually go to this school.

Zip: YOU WHAT MATE 😨😨‼️‼️‼️‼️

Edward: What an astonishing revelation 😟

Oliver: Yeah im like 19, I just attendedclasses for fun. Plus i like hanging out with my Pooky wookie Alice:3

Both shocked and possibly bamboozled. Zip did only what she knew best to do.

Cutely pulls out a huge spoon out of bag

Cutely pulls out a huge spoon out of bag

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Fundamental Paper Education [Short Stories kinda]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن