Ur in trouble now. Part 1

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It was just another lesson in what seemed like a day that lasted forever for Abbie. Last week in Ms Emils History class, all the students had taken an test about the 20th century conflict, that mainly being the Vietnam and Korean War.

Abbie knew all too well that he had failed that test, if it wasn't the fact he left several questions blank on his test paper it was the very obvious cold glare from Ms Emil at the front of the classroom.

He had heard rumours  that she was just like 'those' teachers. Twiddling his toes in an attempt to make time go faster, however to his dismay it seemed as if time would only get slower and slower.

Finally laying his head down on the table, mentally exhausted, he tried to observe the other students, to try keep his mind off his failure.

Hesha sat with Skell and Liana like she did in most lessons. Hesha would always be surprisingly respectful in Ms Emils History Lessons. Normally she would be vandalising the walls and tables, argue with and throw whatever she could at students and teachers alike. She would even do this in Miss Circle, Miss Bloomie and Miss Thavel's classes.

Liana was doodling in her book like she always would, the doodles would often be comic strip's relating go the topic being taught. She would always pass the history tests with flying colours and she would even tutor some off the other students in the class. It was very obvious that she was Ms Emil's favourite.

Skell was texting on his phone in the most obvious way possible. Claire, Engel and Bubble where sitting on another table talking about god knows what and Oliver, Zip and Edward where doing what they always would, cackling like crows and throwing paper planes at everyone. How they had not been split up yet was a mystery.

After what seemed like an eternity, class finally ended. Abbie could hear the footsteps of everyone moving to go to break.

Abbie's thought's: Did I fall asleep or something?

He uncomfortably lifted his head up to put his stuff away. However he noticed someone standing in front of him.

She couldn't of been that tall, but it still felt like she was towering over him. Her hair was white and puffy, Arranged into two buns. On here hair was a star pin that was the same as Liana's and she the curly horns of a ram. She was wearing a dull beige trench coat and what seemed to be wearing the same outfit as Miss Emily's underneath. Her right arm being a large prosthetic fountain pen.

She was glaring at him with what seemed like malicious intent. Abbie couldn't help but quiver when he realised she was holding a paper with the letter 'F' written in bold on a test paper.

Ms Emil: Care to explain the to me Abigail.
Her words were stern lacking emotion although there was a hint of curiosity.

Abbie's face turned from worry to terror as he came to realise what he did and what was about to happen to him.

Abbie:Im s-sorry I just couldn't study for the test, I had so many test's last we-

Ms Emil: Why so scared all of a sudden? I totally understand, You had that big maths test with Miss Circle last week as well right?

Abbie: R-right?
His voice was quivering, but he was starting to calm down about. It seemed as if Ms Emil was going to hurt him after all.

Ms Emil: Then I can see why you would prioritise Maths plus History is a hard subject and now I'm not going to hurt you that's silly :)

Abbie: But literally last month people were saying you brutally stabbed another student to death with your fountain pen :(

Ms Emil quickly shoved her right hand behind her back because of his words, That did happen but a lot had happened since then.

Ms Emil: Okay maybeee I did kill a student but that was only once :3


Ms Emil: Besides I'm not the one you should be worried about.

Abbie raised an eyebrow, 'I'm not the one you should be worried about'?

Ms Emil: Yeah spoiler alert, You failed your maths test. :>


Ms Emil: Yeaah, Miss Circle kept on rambling on about you this morning in the staff room. She told me not to steal her kill.. lol

Abbie: FYM LOL.

Ms Emil: Lol, btw you got Oreos on you ?
By this point in time, Abbie was trembling, his future was now decided. Even though he was on the verge of tears he still managed to continue the conversation with Ms Emil.

Abbie: No I d-don't.

Ms Emil sighed at his response.
Mis Emil: Welp, guess your gonna be the oreo then.

Abbie: What

Ms Emil: What

Abbie: Ermm, sooo, did you just decide to stop killing or are you still doing it?

Ms Emil: Oh I stopped doing that, I just give students barcodes now ^^

Abbie: Why did you stop then?

I now interrupt your reading to bring you an epic flashback sequence 😝☝️
Next Chapter :D
Btw Ms Emil is my oc Ms Emily. I'm just calling her Ms Emil to prevent confusion with Miss Emily.

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