𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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It's 4:53 pm and I'm stuck in traffic. Today I decided to take Elena out for dinner. She made my brother and I meet every day since two weeks ago at Atlas's place. And she made us do some activities together. Today we spoke at work and yesterday we went to the mall together and it was hectic. I bought nothing but my fiancée's favorite chocolates, while as my brother got cotton candy and a bunch of other candies for himself. So selfish.

Last week I couldn't sleep because of the curiosity that creeped onto me. I wanted to know what was in that box. I looked at my left and my fiancée was still enjoying her slumber.

I made my way to the other room, where Elena kept the box, and I saw a black book that begged me to open it. So I did.

I turned the pages until one specific page got my attention.

"Dear future husband or fiancée (not boyfriend because they don't really matter), if you're going through my book, future me either gave it to you or you decided to be an idiot and snoop through my personal stuff, have some manners! I really don't know what future me saw in you if you don't even respect her/my/OUR privacy."

I chuckle as my eyes travel lower.

"Anyway, the following points bellow are for you to keep in mind if you're going to marry me or be engaged to me."

"1.Take me on dates. Romantic ones obviously. Like in the night, when all the stars are visible and shining. For your information, my favourite flowers are roses, I'm such a typical, I know but deal with me if you want to win me.

2. Treat me like a princess like how my brothers and parents do, make me yours and I might consider marking you as mine.

3. Make me laugh, even on my worst days. A good sense of humor goes a long way in winning my heart.

4. Support my dreams and ambitions, just as I'll support yours. We're a team, and I want us to conquer the world together.

5. Be spontaneous. Surprise me with spontaneous adventures and gestures that show you're thinking of me.

6. Communicate openly and honestly. I value trust and transparency above all else in a relationship.

7. Respect my independence. I need space to pursue my own interests and friendships.

8. Show me affection regularly. A kiss on the forehead or a tight hug can brighten even the darkest day.

9. Be patient with me. I have my flaws and insecurities, just like everyone else, and I need someone who can love me despite them.

10. Love me fiercely and unconditionally. I want to know that you're all in, no matter what life throws our way."

As I read through Elena's list, I can't help but smile. These are all things I strive to do for her every day, and seeing them written out like this only reaffirms my commitment to making her happy. Closing the book, I make a silent vow to myself to always keep these points in mind, no matter what the future holds for us.

As I return to bed, my mind swirls with thoughts of Elena and the future we're building together. Reading her list reminded me of the importance of cherishing every moment with her and ensuring that she feels loved and valued every day. I feel grateful for her presence in my life and determined to continue making her happy in any way I can. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep, feeling a sense of contentment and purpose wash over me.

‎*¨༺ Time skip to the next day ༻¨*

As the first rays of morning sunlight filter through the curtains, I stir from my slumber, blinking away the remnants of sleep. Glancing at the clock, I see that it's still early, the world outside just beginning to awaken. With a contented sigh, I stretch out beneath the covers, relishing in the warmth of the bed.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن