𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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I groaned as the morning sunlight pierced through the blinds, stabbing my throbbing head with each ray. Blinking away the haze of sleep, I slowly became aware of the dull ache pulsating in my temples. What happened last night? Oh, right. It was my 18th birthday and I decided to celebrate by getting drunk for the first time.

Memories of laughter and clinking glasses flooded back to me as I struggled to piece together the events of the previous evening. I remembered the excitement of finally reaching legal drinking age, the thrill of being surrounded by friends, and the eagerness to try something new.

But now, lying in bed with a pounding headache, I couldn't help but regret my decision. The dizzying sensation of each sip, the blurred lines between fun and excess-it all seemed like a mistake now. I promised myself I wouldn't drink too much, but it was easy to get caught up in the moment.

Dragging myself out of bed, I stumbled towards the bathroom. As I splashed cold water on my face, I made a silent vow to never overdo it again.

Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, but instead, it felt like a harsh lesson in the consequences of reckless behavior. As I nursed my hangover, I couldn't help but wonder if this was what it meant to be an adult-learning from mistakes, even when they came with a pounding headache.

I realize that I'm undressed and memories of last night fill my mind. Touching Zade. Naked. Him carrying me. Me wanting him. Him rejecting me.

Oh god.

I get dressed in to a tight maroon crop top and white loose cargos. I walk down with the help of the banister and finally reach the dining area.

"Hey, Lele, how'd you sleep?" Atlas asks.

"I slept pretty good but I woke up with a pounding headache. Side effects of being drunk, I guess." I say.

"Yeah that happens. Trust me, I'm saying this with experience. Anyway, you're reading the will today. You excited? Or nervous?" He asks.

"Both" I reply taking a sip of the mango juice on the table.

I finish my breakfast and walk to the living room with Atlas.

"Elena, it's time." Uncle Joshua says and I look at the papers on the table.

"Please I'm scared" I plead.

"You have delayed this a lot so please open it" Uncle Joshua states.

I open the will and read what it says

"I, Aiden Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking all previous wills and codicils.

I bequeath one fourth (1/4) of my estate, including all assets, properties, and funds, to my youngest child and only daughter, Elena Isabella Sanchez.

Furthermore, it is my wish that my daughter, Elena Isabella Sanchez, will marry Zade Alton before she turns 19 years old. She will move in with Zade Alton before four weeks after her 18th birthday. An engagement party will be held within two weeks after Elena's birthday. In the event that my daughter chooses not to marry Zade Alton, she shall still inherit her designated portion of my estate, but she must abide by this condition to receive it.

I appoint Joshua Sanchez as the executor of this will, and I trust him to carry out my wishes as stated herein.

Signed and sealed on the seventh day of October in the year 2021.

Testator's name: Aiden Sanchez
Testator's spouse's name: Estella Marie Sanchez
Executor's name: Joshua Sanchez"

"H-how is this possible?" I ask searching for anyone who'd give me an answer.

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