Part 2.

627 40 16

Paris Carter | RiRi
Atlanta, Ga

Anticipation buzzed in the air as I waited nervously in the living room for Ju's arrival. He would be the first boy ever to come to my house, and despite our platonic relationship, I couldn't shake off the nerves.

When Ju texted me that he was outside, I eagerly made my way to the front door, expecting a joyous encounter.

My dad and uncles were all in the back, so I wasn't too worried about him coming inside.

Jayceon and the guys had left a little while ago to go get some ice, so I think I'm in the clear.

But as I swung the door open, my heart plummeted at the sight of Jayceon, Eli, Mar plus a few of his friends, walking up the driveway.

Jayceon's inquiry pierced the momentarily silence, "Who you here fa?" He asked as he stepped up to the door.

I struggled to intervene as Jayceon interrogated Ju, depriving me of the chance to introduce him properly.

"RiRi, who this?" Jayceon's question lingered in the air, further complicating the situation.

"This is Ju, and Ju, please don't worry about them," I managed to respond, he gone make this man not want to come over anymore.

"Oh I ain't even the one you gotta worry bout" Jayceon told him simply. He sized him up as him and the guys squeezed past us to walk inside.

I looked at Ju rolling my eyes embarrassingly. "I'm sorry about that. Please come in" I told him as he walked inside.

"Congratulations luh mama" he said softly in my ear. As we pulled away from each other, he pulled a gift bag from behind his back handing it to me.

"Thank you, Ju. You didn't have to get anything" I told him as we walked down the spacious hallway that led to the main area.

"You knew I wasn't coming empty handed. You deserve it." he said, looking down at me as I blushed.

As we navigated the hallway towards the main area, NyNy's surprised exclamation drew attention to Ju's unexpected presence.

"Oh my gosh he actually showed" NyNy said as we walked into the living room.

FIVE ☆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon