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Jayceon Carter | J5
Atlanta, Ga

Friday arrived with the weight of yesterday's somber visit to the funeral home still lingering. My dad and uncle wanted us to see just exactly what the street does to you.

The weight of what we witnessed at the funeral home still pressed down on me. We had been confronted with the harsh reality of the streets.

I ain't even easily disturbed by shit, but yesterday definitely was sitting on my mind heavy. I thought we was just gonna do some touch and go shit.

You know, he warn us about all the shit he seen working in that field.

They had a viewing for this kid who passed away, he got caught in the crossfire off some dumb shit. An innocent life just gone.

That wasn't even the worst part. We had to help through it all, seeing his body, dressing him, seeing his momma and siblings crying.

That shit hurt me to see. When I first seen his body, I was physically sick to my stomach, I actually vomited.

"J5, you heard me?" Eli's voice broke through my reverie, pulling me back to the present moment. The weight of yesterday still heavy in my eyes.

Looking up, I saw Eli and Mar staring at me. We sat at the lunch table; this was the first time since we started dealing that we've actually stayed for the whole school day.

Shit felt weird low key, Ian gone lie.

"Nah, what you said?" I replied, shaking off the remnants of my thoughts.

"I said, what you gonna tell yo grandad twin?" Eli pressed, his concern evident.

I shrugged, uncertainty clouding my mind. "Ion even know, man. My pops said he was gon' take care of it, but I don't know what he gon' do."

The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders as I grappled with the consequences of our recent actions.

I ain't gone lie, I ain't want my pops to revisit his past, yet I felt compelled to handle the situation on my own terms.

I really feel like I should handle this myself on some shit like 'I got myself into, I need to get myself out of this' type shit.

But knowing my pops, he would never go fa dat shit.

"Damn, we gotta get real jobs now," Mar interjected, injecting a moment of levity into the heavy atmosphere. We laughed a bit as reality set in.

"Man, if we could do that sh*t, we can get real jobs. Plus, I ain't tryna get into it wit' Dad ass again," Eli chimed in, a hint of defiance in his tone.

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